506.09 Student Activities Funds

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Friday, August 11, 2023


The Student Activities Funds of each school will include athletic and student organization funds and any other funds belonging to any student or class group or activity. Student Activity Funds are those funds raised or collected by and/or for school-approved student groups, and may include gate receipts and student activity card fees. Student activity funds will be collected and expended for the purpose of supporting the school's extracurricular activities program. Student body representation should be encouraged whenever possible. 

Monies raised by students through student body organizations, receipts from activity tickets and gate receipts, are subject to the control and management by the school board. 

The superintendent shall supervise these funds and a complete record of receipts and disbursements shall be maintained at all times. A separate account will be maintained for each fund. All funds will be maintained in one general account, the Activity Fund, and will be deposited in a timely manner in the bank. 

The Activity Fund shall be audited once a year by a person or persons selected by the board of education. The superintendent of schools will submit to the board of education a report, on a monthly basis, of receipts, disbursements, and the balance of the Activity Fund and of the accounts comprising the Activity Fund. 

After a period of one year any inactive student organization funds shall revert to the general fund unless otherwise designated. 

Any unencumbered class or activity funds will automatically revert to the general activity fund of the school when a class graduates or an activity is discontinued. 

The district treasurer, or designee, may request all necessary financial information needed for review or required by the school board.