605.03 Program for High Ability Learners

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Friday, August 11, 2023


The district is committed to an educational program that recognizes, identifies and serves the unique needs of high ability learners. High ability learners are those who have been identified as having high performance capability in such areas as intellectual, creative, or artistic capacity or in specific fields and who require accelerated or differentiated curriculum programs in order to develop those capabilities fully. 

The board directs the superintendent to develop a written identification process for identifying high ability learners in grades K-12. The identification process shall include an appeals process for parents/guardians who wish to request reconsideration. 

A written plan that identifies programs or services to be provided to address the assessed needs of identified students shall be similarly developed. The plan shall include: 

• the district's philosophy on educational service to learners with high ability; 

• the district's operational definition of a high ability learner; 

• goals and objectives of the program; 

• a description of the programming services, options and strategies to be provided under this plan; 

• yearly evaluation procedures to allow for input from parents, educators, students, and community members; 

• staff development training and support provided within the plan; and 

• an outline of program management. 

Legal Reference: Neb. Statute 79-1106 et seq. 

NDE Rule 3 

Cross Reference: 102 Educational Philosophy of the District 

611 Academic Achievement