Dr. Evelyn Browne
As Superintendent of Banner County School District, I am committed to the academic success of our students, the ongoing professional development of our staff, and the stewardship of the physical buildings and grounds that represent strong connections to the people of Banner County. I am proud of our Optional Enrichment Friday program that provides opportunities for students to explore technology, arts, sports, and much more as part of our district's decision to move to a 4-day school week. My goals are to support the creativity of our teachers, expand the learning and life experiences of our students, and sustain the community and family partnerships that have supported BCS over the years.
My adventures in education cover the continuum from early childhood, through elementary and middle school, alternative programs for early school leavers in Ireland, cooperative education, community development, and adult programs for women reintegrating into the workforce. For the past 24 years, my public school experiences include: 11 years as a classroom teacher, 2 years as a Director of Curriculum and Instruction, and 11 years as Superintendent in two rural school districts in New Jersey and Nebraska. My research interests include student engagement and achievement in a globally connected society, authentic school leadership, and curriculum development and implementation with a focus on blended learning and innovation.
B.A. – Georgian Court University, Lakewood, NJ
M.A.T. – Western New Mexico University, Silver City, NM
Ed.D. - Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ
Publications and Presentations
Browne, E. (2023). Reframing the four-day week debate: Student enrichment and supporting the profession. Presentation at the NASB State Education Conference, Omaha, Nebraska, November 16, 2023.
Doolittle, G., & Browne, E. (2013). A Perfect Storm: New Jersey Teacher Accountability Measures and the Ongoing Failure to Focus on Curriculum. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, November 9, 2013, Indianapolis, IN.
Browne, E. G., & Doolittle, G. (2013). Say it Again, Sam: Curriculum Leadership Matters. International Research on School Leadership Volume 4 -School and District Leadership in an Era of Accountability. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Browne, E. (2013). [BOOK REVIEW]. Starting Up: Critical lessons from 10 new schools. Journal of Educational Administration, 51(2).
Browne, E. G., & Doolittle, G. (2011). Say it again, Sam: Curriculum leadership matters. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the University Council for Educational Administration November 18, 2011, Pittsburgh, PA.
Doolittle, G., & Browne, E. (2011). Who moved my curriculum? Leadership Preparation Programs and the Core Technology of Schools. Journal of School Leadership, 21(2), 293-318.
Browne, E. G. (2010). [Book Review] Guiding professional learning communities: Inspiration, challenge, surprise, and meaning. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 8(3), 321.
Turnaround Leadership Network (Dec. 2009). Paper session. National Staff Development Council, St. Louis, MO.
Doolittle, G., Billen, J., & Browne, E. (2009). Lost in Space: Bringing Comprehensive School Reform Back to Earth. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
Browne, E. Backwards Design and Curriculum Mapping. Presentation to the Camden County Academy of Teaching and Learning, Camden County Community College, Blackwood, NJ, January, 2009.
Doolittle, G., & Browne, E. G. (2008). A case study in accountability, district monitoring, and school improvement. In R. Pappa, C. M. Achilles, & B. Alford (Eds.), NCPEA Leadership on the Frontlines: Changes in Preparation and Practice The 2008 NCPEA Yearbook (Ch. 15). Lancaster, PA: Proactive Publications.
Doolittle, G., & Browne, E. (2008). Who Moved my Curriculum?: Preparing School Leaders to Support Student Achievement. Paper presented at the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
Doolittle, G., Browne, E., & Billen, J. (2007). Mapping the Connections between CAPA and QSAC: Maintaining a Focus on Teaching and Learning. Roundtable session presented at the NJ Association of School Administrators Spring Conference, Atlantic City, NJ.
Browne, E. Curriculum Mapping and Teacher Collaboration. Presentation to the Berlin BOE, August 2007.
Browne, E. Raising teacher cultural awareness using the Values Orientation Method. Presentation to the BCS Middle School Staff, November, 2006.