407.04 Certificated Employee Compensation for Extra Duty

Friday, August 11, 2023


A certificated employee may volunteer or be required to take on extra duty, with the extra duty being secondary to the major responsibility of the certificated employee. The board shall establish a salary schedule for extra duty certificated employee positions, keeping in mind the financial condition of the school district, the education and experience of the certificated employee, the educational philosophy of the school district, and other considerations as determined by the board. 

Vacant extra duty positions, for which extra compensation will be earned, will be posted or announced to allow qualified certificated employees to volunteer for the extra duty. If no certificated employee volunteers for extra duty, the superintendent shall assign the extra duty positions to qualified certificated employees. The certificated employee shall receive compensation for the extra duty required to be performed. 

Payment for extra-duty assignments shall not be considered as a part of the gross contractual salary shown on any teacher's contract. Each teaching contract shall show an amount for teaching as determined by the placement of the employee on the salary schedule. All extra-duty assignments shall be considered as ‘at will’ assignments. Extraduty assignments shall be entered into as amendments to the contract and shall not fall under the continuing contract statutes. An effort will be made to determine these extra duty assignments at the time the contract is approved; however, such determinations may be subject to change as conditions may dictate prior to the opening of school each year. The superintendent of schools, after consultation with other school administrators and the affected certified personnel, shall annually recommend extra duty assignments to the board of education. All extra duty assignments must be approved by the board of education. 

The requirements stated in the Negotiated Contract between employees in that certified collective bargaining unit and the board regarding the compensation for extra duties of such employees shall be followed. 

Cross Reference: 

406 Certificated Employees - General