The position of school health nurse shall be authorized by the board of education upon recommendation of the superintendent of schools. The school health nurse shall hold a valid Registered Nurse License, or a special services certificate, and shall have such training and experience as deemed appropriate by the superintendent of schools, the Nebraska Department of Education, and the Department of Health and Human Services. The school health nurse shall serve as a health advocate for all school children regardless of their socioeconomic, educational, or health status.
The school nurse shall be supervised and evaluated by the superintendent of schools. The terms of the contract and the number of days that the school health nurse shall be on duty annually shall be determined by the superintendent of schools. The school health nurse may obtain tenure in the district, after three consecutive years of satisfactory performance, as a school district staff member. If the superintendent of schools intends to recommend that the board of education consider amending or terminating the contract of the school health nurse, said nurses’ evaluation will be withheld pending its possible introduction at a board hearing on the termination.