Regular attendance by students is essential for students to obtain the maximum opportunities from the education program. Parents and students alike are encouraged to ensure an absence from school is a necessary absence. Students shall attend school unless excused by the principal of their attendance center.
Absences Up to Nine Per Semester. All students, Grades K-12, will be allowed up to nine excused absences per semester.
Absences in Excess of Nine per Semester. After the 9th absence, credit will be deducted as follows:
0-9 days absences. . . . . . 0 credits deducted per course.
10-15 absences . . . . . . . . 1 credits deducted per course.
16-20 absences . . . . . . . . 2 credits deducted per course.
21-25 absences . . . . . . . . 3 credits deducted per course.
26-30 absences . . . . . . . . 4 credits deducted per course.
31+ absences . . . . . . . . . 5 credits deducted per course.
To receive full credit for a class in which a student has been absent in excess of nine periods, the student will be given the opportunity to make up the time missed. Arrangements to make up this time will be made with the school principal. Teachers will provide make-up work or extra-credit work to be done during the make-up time. The student will be supervised while making up time by the school principal and the assigned detention teacher. The student must serve the same number of make-up minutes (per missed class) as the class was originally scheduled to meet, in order to receive full credit for making up a period.
Absences for School-sponsored Activities. School absences for school-sponsored activities shall not be included in the nine day absence policy. (This includes such activities as district music contests, MAC activities, CSC scholastic contest, state tournaments in which a student may be participating, or other activities approved by the school administration.)
Absences Due to Illness or Family Emergency. The administration reserves the right to subtract from the number of absences those occasions which a student is hospitalized, prescribed rest by a physician, or gone due to a family emergency. (Family emergencies may include but not limited to accidents, funerals, etc.) The school administration will require written documentation from a hospital or a physician for absences due to prescribed bed rest.
Truancy. School work missed for reasons of truancy or absences that are otherwise unexcused may result in partial credit in each class missed and the student may be assigned detention time. The student must serve the same number of make-up minutes (per missed class) as the class was originally scheduled to meet.
Attendance Factor in Grading. Teachers shall have the option of including an attendance factor in their grading system. When they choose to do so, it is suggested that this attendance factor be worth approximately ten percent of the total grade for the semester.
Activities and Practice on Day of Absence. A student will not be allowed to practice, to participate, or be in attendance at any extracurricular activity, on the day of he or she is absent. (A student must be in attendance for the entire school day to practice or play in extracurricular activities) unless (prior) approval is given by the administration. The principal retains the right to grant participation should exceptional circumstances prevail.
Make Up Work for Excused Absence. A student will be allowed two days to make up work for a day of an excused absence.
Pre-Arranged Absence. A student who knows that he or she will be absent from school should notify the school administration, or the appropriate designee, and his/her teacher’s at least two days in advance of the absence.
Tardies. Any student arriving at school tardy for any reason shall report to the administrative office prior to reporting to class. Unexcused tardies in any class in excess of one per each school quarter will result in disciplinary response by the teacher. This may include making up time during the lunch hour or after school.
For additional regulations concerning tardies and absences, refer to the student handbook.
Make-up Work and Exceptions. Students may receive approval to miss classes due to:
A. Funerals.
B. Illness or medical appointments.
C. Work at home.
D. School sponsored activities.
Students who miss classes to attend an activity must have their school work made up in advance and have the make-up slip signed by their teachers and turned in to the school principal's office before leaving for the activity.
An exception to this policy will be for state sponsored events and contests which are scheduled during normal school days, and over which the school district has no control but in which there will be local students participating. The board of education and administration may make exceptions to this policy as may be deemed appropriate.
Legal Reference: Neb. Statute 79-209
Cross Reference:
505 Student Discipline
506 Student Activities
507 Student Records