Student activity and field trips that relate to educational purposes and fall within budget limitations may be authorized by the school principal. There shall be no charge for any school student for official use of school transportation if the student is a member of the group. All school activity groups are to use school transportation. Use of private cars will not be permitted. The school district will not be responsible for students driving private vehicles. Any use of school vehicles to attend events or competitions where Banner County School students are not participating must have prior approval of the superintendent of schools.
Students who ride a bus to an activity must ride home on the bus unless they ride with a parent or have prior written permission from a parent to ride home with another adult.
It is recommended that, whenever possible, sponsors not drive school vehicles on activity or field trips, as the sponsors' primary responsibility is for supervision of the students and planning during the activity or field trip.
Each field trip will come within the policies of the school district and any applicable administrative rules and regulations established by the board of education or the superintendent of schools.
I. All field trips and school activities must be approved by the school principal prior to publicity or development of plans of the trip.
II. Field trips should be held during the school day and should not interfere with the scheduled busing program. If a trip would be more than one day in length, it must have the prior approval of the board of education.
III. Requests and arrangements must be made far enough in advance, so that teachers and the school principal can be given a list of students involved in the activity at least five days in advance.
IV. Students that will be involved who may miss other classes shall have the responsibility to obtain a make-up slip and make-up the assignments in advance of the activity that he or she will miss.
V. The sponsoring teacher of the field trip shall verify that each student involved has met the make-up requirements before the student leaves for that activity.
VI. It shall be the responsibility of the school principal to see that every teacher or sponsor of a field trip or school trip exercises the kind of control which will minimize the hazards of travel and maximize the safety of pupils when on the trip, as well as assume pupil conduct of such quality most likely to optimize the learning benefits of the trip.
VII. The utilization of any mode of transportation other than school owned vehicles shall have the approval of the superintendent of schools.
VIII. Any field trip that does not begin and end within the same school day shall require parental permission.
IX. Appropriate instruction shall precede and follow each field trip or community service activity.
X. Field trips and community service activities requiring school bus transportation shall not interfere with the regularly scheduled transportation of pupils to and from school.
XI. The school principal shall approve or disapprove the request and notify the teacher (if he or she disapproves the activity, he or she should state reasons). If approval is given, the sponsor shall forward the request for the school bus to the appropriate personnel and notify the office of the superintendent of school five (5) days in advance of the date requested.
XII. Certificated personnel on a bus shall see that all bus rules and regulations are enforced. The bus driver shall assist in this process. In the absence of certificated personnel on a bus the bus driver shall see that the bus rules and regulations are enforced.
XIII. When a field trip is made to a place of business or industry, the teacher shall insist that an employee of the host company serve as a conductor or tour guide.
XIV. Teachers or other certified personnel shall accompany pupils on all field trips and shall assume responsibility for their proper conduct.
XV. Appropriate educational experience and proper supervision shall be supplied for any pupils whose parents do not wish them to participate in the community service activity or field trip.
Cross Reference: 504.03 Student Conduct
506.01 Student Activity Eligibility
604 Instructional Curriculum
801 Transportation