611.05 Grading Guidelines

Friday, August 11, 2023


The superintendent shall develop and implement student grading guidelines. The objectives of grading guidelines shall be to quantify, report and record the academic progress of each student. 

The district shall use the following lettered grading system in all grades, grade four through grade twelve: 






Incomplete: Students have two (2) weeks to make up an incomplete. If not removed in that period of time the grade shall become an F. 

In kindergarten through grade three, and in special subjects (physical education, music, art, library, and computer) in kindergarten through grade six the following may be used: 

E+, E, S+, S, S-, and I 

E = Excellent 

S = Satisfactory 

I = Improvement needed, 

or lettered grades may be used at the discretion of the teacher and administration. 

Report cards will be sent home after each semester. 

Teachers are encouraged to discuss a student's progress with parents or guardian any time that it is deemed to be in the best interest of the student and/or the parents or guardian.

This school district shall follow the academic eligibility guidelines. Eligibility to participate in school activities will be determined on a weekly basis. 

Academic Eligibility: 

Any students in grades 6-12 who are failing two or more classes will be declared ineligible for the following school week (Monday through Sunday). This will be a cumulative grade point average throughout the semester, not just a quarter grade. Academically ineligible students will not be allowed to participate in activities with the team and will not travel with the team. Ineligible students will not participate in any school activities including, but not limited to dances, awards, prom, etc. This does not affect practice, only performances in front of the public. 

Legal Reference: 

Falvo v. Owasso Independent School District No. I-001 

Cross Reference: 

507.01 Student Records Access 

1003 Public Examination of District Records

Approved July 14, 2014

Revised April, 11, 2022