706.07 Suspension and Debarment

Friday, August 11, 2023


The district may not subcontract with or award subgrants to any person or company equal to or in excess of $25,000 in any Federal assistance program who is debarred or suspended and is required to check for excluded parties at the System for Award Management, SAM (formerly the Excluded Parties List System, EPLS) website before any procurement transaction. This list is located at: http://www.sam.gov/. 

In the event a vendor, person or company under consideration to be awarded a bid or contract for goods or services to be funded by any Federal assistance program is on the ineligibility list at SAM the district shall comply with the contracting restrictions as outlined in accordance with Federal regulations. 

The following language shall be inserted into all vendor contracts equal to or in excess of $25,000 funded wholly or in part by Federal Assistance Programs: 

Certification Regarding Suspension, Debarment and Ineligibility 

To the best of its knowledge and belief, neither the contractor or its principals are presently suspended, debarred, proposed for debarment or otherwise declared ineligible for the award of contracts by any Federal agency by the inclusion of the contractor or its principals in the current “LIST OF PARTIES EXCLUDED FROM FEDERAL PROCUREMENT OR NONPROCUREMENT PROGRAMS” published by the U.S. Government’s System for Award Management. The contractor shall provide immediate written notice to the District if at any time the contractor learns that its certification was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances. 

It shall be the responsibility of the superintendent to implement this policy.