102.00 Educational Philosophy of the District

Friday, August 11, 2023


Philosophy of Education

The public schools play a tremendously important part in our American way of life, which hold that education is both a right and a privilege. Therefore, the district should be the best we can possibly make it. Its main purpose should be to help individuals, to the utmost of their ability, develop into capable, happy, useful, respected, and productive citizens of their corrununity and their world.

In order to achieve this goal, we must accept all children as they are without discrimination. We must also recognize their individual differences, as well as the fact that composite attitudes of learners undergo continual changes. Along with providing sound academic training, we must also recognize their need for special growth, physical development, emotional stability, and favorable attitudes toward cooperation, responsibility, respect, and integrity.

Democratic processes will best achieve these desired results. Cooperation between school and community is essential. We intend to fully cooperative with such community efforts as are intended for the welfare of our school and community. Patrons are always welcome to make suggestions for improvement. Continuing and long range planning for improving educational opportunities for all students will be provided through evaluations of existing programs or curriculums. We will abide by all Federal laws. State statutes and policies of the board of education pertaining to education. 

Educational Objectives 

It shall be the intent of the district to: 

I. Provide the best possible education for all students in our school.

II. Develop acceptable behavior patterns which are evidenced by positive student attitudes, appreciation of educational opportunities, and understanding of others in the educational environment of our school. 

III. Provide children with the opportunity for an increasing mastery of the basic skills which are needed for intelligent participation in the modern world. 

IV. Develop a vigorous program of instruction in citizenship, both in its responsibilities and its privileges, through active participation in the problems of living in the 21st Century. 

V. Plan learning experiences which are purposeful and meaningful, which are based on needs, interests, purposes, aptitudes, and abilities of those participating in them. 

VI. Establish a learning climate which will develop the confidence of the students, facilitate learning, and enhance positive self-esteem. 

VII. Help children learn to evaluate by developing proper attitudes of inquiry and encouraging clear and independent thinking. 

VIII. Help children develop values in order that each may be capable of self-analysis, self criticism, and self-improvement.

 IX. Provide opportunities for individual guidance and counseling. 

X. Provide a well-qualified, endorsed staff in all areas of instruction. 

XI. Encourage worthy use of leisure time for all students. 

XII. Provide the facilities equipment, and materials to meet the needs of the various programs. 

XIII. Encourage expression of special interests, talents, and abilities in school, at home, and in the community. 

XIV. Provide curricular activities that are dynamic, research-based, and flexible to meet the changing needs of the youth and the district. 

XV. Develop and promote a drug-free environment for students and staff members. 

Legal Reference: 

Neb. Statute 79-526


NDE Rule 10.012.01A