801.06 Student Transportation for Extracurricular Activities

Friday, August 11, 2023


Student activity and field trips that relate to educational purposes and fall within budget limitations may be authorized by the school principal. There shall be no charge for any school student for official use of school transportation if the student is a member of the group. All school activity groups are to use school transportation. Use of private cars will not be permitted. The school district will not be responsible for students driving private vehicles. Overnight trips must be approved by the superintendent of schools. Any use of school vehicles to attend events or competitions where Banner County School students are not participating must have prior approval of the superintendent of schools. 

Participants directly involved in school activities will be required to ride to and from any school sponsored activity in school owned transportation or with parents or guardians who have been authorized by school officials to transport students to the activity. 

Students that go to activities in school owned transportation may return home with their own parents or guardian only if they have obtained permission from the activity sponsor. If a parent or guardian wants his or her child to ride home from an activity with another responsible adult or high school graduate, the child must have prior written permission from the parent or guardian. 

Students will not be permitted to transport activity participants to or from school sponsored activities. The school district will not be responsible for students who drive private cars to or from activities. 

It is recommended that, whenever possible, sponsors not drive school vehicles on activity or field trips, as the sponsors' primary responsibility is for supervision of the students and planning during the activity or field trip. 

Legal Reference: Neb. Statute 79-610 et seq. 

Cross Reference:

 504.19 Student Fees