905.02 Annual Emergency Safety Plan

Friday, August 11, 2023

Annual Emergency Safety Plan

All employees have the responsibility for maintaining safe, healthful and sanitary conditions within the buildings and on the grounds of the school district.  The Superintendent shall designate staff and develop procedures to insure that all facilities meet fire, safety and health codes.

The Superintendent shall appoint a school safety and security committee represented by faculty, parents and community members that will prepare and review the school's safety plan.  This plan will be updated annually by the committee and presented to the School Board. The plan will address safety procedures and security plans for students, staff and visitors, including during emergency events.

Typical elements of this plan will include:

  • The assignment of specific employees to safety tasks and responsibilities.
  • Instructions relating  to the use of alarm systems and signals.
  • Information concerning methods of fire containment and equipment use.
  • Systems for notification of appropriate authorities.
  • Specification of evacuation routes and procedures.
  • Posting of plans and procedures at suitable locations.
  • Procedures and frequency of emergency evacuation drills.
  • An evaluation of each evacuation drill.

The plan shall be reviewed annually by one or more persons not on the committee and not an employee of the school district.  This review includes a visit to each school building to analyze plans, policies, procedures and practices.  Recommendations shall be made to the Superintendent and the committee for use in revising the plan.

Legal Reference:                    NDE Rule 10-011.01

Cross Reference:                    404       Employee Health and Well-Being

                                                508       Student Health and Well-Being

                                                805       Risk Management

                                                903       Maintenance, Operation and Management

                                                905       Safety Program

                                                1004.04 Crisis Management Communications