1004.03 Live Broadcast or Videotaping

Friday, August 11, 2023


The board of education welcomes the active participation of print and electronic mass media in promoting educational programs in this school district. All resultant news coverage of academic or extracurricular activities must be presented in the public interest. No identification of school approval of any commercial or political enterprise will be permitted. The school district will not participate in the broadcast of school activities which may be sponsored by any alcoholic beverage or tobacco companies.

All radio and television broadcasts of any school activity or contest originating from facilities of this school district must be coordinated through the school administration.

Companies interested in such broadcasts will: (1) Contact the school administration at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the event to gain permission and make arrangements for attending the activity. (2) Any company interested in broadcasting an activity will be responsible for all necessary equipment, transmission lines, power sources, and accompanying expenses. (3) Any company interested in broadcasting an activity will be responsible for any financial and legal liabilities pertaining to its own equipment and personnel.