Neither the faculties, the staff, nor the children of the district shall be employed in any manner for advertising or otherwise promoting the interests of any commercial, political, or other non-school agency, individual, or organization, except that:
I. The schools may cooperate in furthering the work of any non-profit, community-wide social service agency, provided that such cooperation does not restrict or impair the educational program of the schools.
II. The schools may use films or other educational materials bearing mention of the producing firm or sponsor, providing such materials can be justified on the basis of their actual educational values.
III. The school may cooperate with any agency in promoting the activities in general public interest, and which promote the education or other best interest of students.
The superintendent of schools may authorize the cooperation in furthering the work of any non-profit, community-wide service agencies provided such cooperation does not infringe on school programs or diminish the amount of time devoted thereto.
IV. The administration may, at its discretion, announce, or authorize to be announced, any lecture, community activity, or film which it feels has educational merit.