March 2023

Monday, March 13, 2023

Minutes of the Banner County School District Board of Education Meeting

Monday, March 13, 2023

Notice of the Monday, March 13, 2023, Board of Education Regular Meeting was published at the entrance to the school, the Banner County Court House, the Harrisburg Post Office, Banner Capital Bank, the school website, and in the Western Nebraska Observer.

Call to Order

The regular March meeting of the Banner County School District Board of Education was called to order at 7:04 PM in the School Cafeteria, 200 School Street, Harrisburg, Nebraska.

The Nebraska Open Meetings Act was posted on the wall.


Roll Call/Welcome

Present: Megan Allen, Laura Baker, Bret Jeffries, Ronald Johnson, Jake Knaub, and Douglas Olsen. Also present: Evelyn Browne, Superintendent/BOE Secretary and Principal Charles Jones.


Pledge of Allegiance

President Ron Johnson invited members and guests to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Approval of Agenda

Approve agenda for the March 13th, 2023 Banner County Board of Education Regular meeting Passed with a motion by Bret Jeffries and a second by Laura Baker.

Megan Allen: Yea, Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea

Awards and Recognition

President Ron Johnson commended the following students:

-Wyatt Reichenberg earned a 4th place medal at the Nebraska state wrestling championships in Omaha on February 18th

-The FFA district competition was held March 1st in Kimball

Jr. Livestock Judging: Isaac Olsen 6th place overall individual; Micah Dittbenner 20th place overall individual

Sr. Livestock Judging: Andie West 11th place overall individual

Meats Judging: Team finished runner-up and will compete at the state competition March 30th Adam Knaub 4th overall; Jacob Parsons 10th overall; Tobey May 15th overall; Brendyn Onstott 31st overall

-Elementary Geography Bee Champion - Gabe Olsen, Runner Up - Bailie Gilbert, 3rd place - Eli Allen

Junior High Geography Bee Champion - Luke Olsen, Runner Up - Makynna Boettcher, 3rd Place - Shawnie Mason

-Congratulations to all the MatCats wrestlers in the March 5th District Wrestling Tournament! Brogan Cross, Kort Boettcher, Carlin Frazier, Jaxson Loutzenheiser (4th), Trace Olsen (6th), Quincy Boettcher (5th), Tate Olsen (3rd), George Teeple (5th), Camden Knaub (2nd), Amita Frazier (3rd).

-Mat Cats going to State Wrestling: Camden Knaub, Jaxson Loutzenhiser, Tate Olsen, & Amita Frazier



Class of 2023 Educational Trip: Wyatt Onstott and Travis Onstott presented information on the Senior Trip to Cheyenne, WY.


Comments from the Audience

There was no public comment.




Facilities & Transportation

-Facilities report [attached]

-Tech report [attached]

-Waiting to hear back from AMERESCO to confirm meeting dates

Student Programs & Enrollment

-Current 2022-2023 Enrollment - 149 PK = 11; K-5= 67; 6-8= 29; 9-12=39

Option IN: 52 Option OUT: 16

Received State Apportionment $20,481.66 (School Section) Awarded Supply Chain Grant (Nutrition Services) $6,171.29 Annual Report included in the Scratching Post mailing.

PK/K Registration will be April 21st at 9:00am


-Letter of retirement received from Mr. Bob Cooper, 7-12 grade Math/Physics for 46 years. He is thanked for his service and dedication as teacher, Class Sponsor, Coach, and bus driver!

-Letter of resignation received from Kasandra Rossi. 1st grade teacher.

-Letters of resignation received from Brittany Serres and Cynthia Wolfe, paraprofessionals

-Retirement letter received from Sharon Lease, after 41 years with BCS as school secretary, paraprofessional, bus driver, and "other duties as assigned."

-Science 7-12 position on agenda for approval - Ray Lemoine

-Math 7-12 will be assigned to Kinsey Groves

-Tech Support and District Assessment Coordinator will be assigned to Wittni Boettcher

-Network Administration will be supported by Wiznerds and ESU13


  1. On February 15 there was a rep from WNCC for Juniors and Seniors.
  2. Parent Teacher Conferences were held on February 16. Elementary attendance was 89.5%. Secondary attendance was 67.6%.
  3. Deb Griebe attended the Excellence in Early Childhood Conference on February 18.
  4. ESU 13 Mid-Winter Conference was on February 20. There also was a Panhandle Coaches Clinic put on by Life of an Athlete organization on February 20.
  5. FFA Week was the week of February 21-24.
  6. Dr. Seuss Week was the week of February 27.
  7. District FFA Contest was held in Kimball on March 1.
  8. Music students attended the Musician for the Day at Chadron State College on March 1.
  9. There was a WNCC Rep here for Seniors on March 2.
  10. High School Quiz Bowl attended a contest in Bayard on March 6.
  11. District Speech was held in Arthur on March 7.
  12. The Geography Bee Finals was on March 8.

Board of Education

NASB information was distributed to all members.

Committee Reports

Transportation and Grounds: No report.

American Civics, Curriculum, and Technology: Next meeting set for May 8th at 6:30PM. Policy Review: Board discussed possible revisions to Policy 415.01 on the Superintendent’s recommendation covering equitable treatment of classified staff re: Snow Days; 10-month employee benefits.

Personnel and Negotiations: No report.


Consent Agenda

Approve the Minutes of the February 13th, 2023 regular meeting.

Approve consent agenda for March 13, 2023. Passed with a motion by Bret Jeffries and a second by Douglas Olsen.

Megan Allen: Yea, Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea

-Approve the Minutes of the February 13th, 2023 regular meeting.

-Approve the payment of bills and salaries totaling $332,964.41 for the March 13th, 2023 regular meeting.

-Approve 2023-2024 Services Agreement with ESU13.


Approve 2023 District/Board and Superintendent Goals

Adopt the Banner County School District Board and Superintendent Goals for calendar year 2023 as presented. Passed with a motion by Laura Baker and a second by Bret Jeffries.

Megan Allen: Yea, Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea


Appoint Directors to Foundation Board

Appoint Laura Baker, Tiffany Jeffries, Larry Pahl, and Nancy Olsen to be voting members of the Banner County Public School Foundation Board of Directors to serve a term of four years from March 2023, ending at the annual Foundation Meeting in March 2027. Passed with a motion by Bret Jeffries and a second by Jake Knaub.

Laura Baker: Abstain (With Conflict), Megan Allen: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea

Approve Class of 2023 Educational Trip

Grant the Class of 2023 release time and use of school vehicles on March 21st, 2023, for the purpose of an educational trip to Cheyenne, WY, with the Class of 2023 as a group or individually financing all costs associated with such a trip. Passed with a motion by Douglas Olsen and a second by Bret Jeffries.

Megan Allen: Yea, Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea

Approve Option Enrollment Resolution

Approve the Banner County School Option Enrollment Resolution for the 2023-2024 school year, as presented. Passed with a motion by Douglas Olsen and a second by Laura Baker.

Megan Allen: Yea, Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea

Approve Certified Personnel Contract

Approve a teaching contract for Raymond Lemoine at BA+18 Step 10 for the 2023-2024 academic year. Passed with a motion by Bret Jeffries and a second by Douglas Olsen.

Megan Allen: Yea, Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea

Accept Certified Staff Resignations

Accept the resignations of Bob Cooper and Kasandra Rossi effective the end of the 2022-2023 contract year, with appreciation. Passed with a motion by Bret Jeffries and a second by Laura Baker.

Megan Allen: Yea, Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea

Accept Classified Staff Resignations

Accept the resignations of Sharon Lease, Brittany Serres, and Cynthia Wolfe, with thanks for their service to BCS students. Passed with a motion by Douglas Olsen and a second by Jake Knaub.

Megan Allen: Yea, Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea

Approve 2023-2024 School Calendar

Adopt the 2023-2024 school calendar as presented. Passed with a motion by Bret Jeffries and a second by Douglas Olsen.

Megan Allen: Yea, Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea

Next Meeting

Special Meeting March 31st, 2023 9:00 AM Regular Meeting: April 10th, 2023, 7:00 PM

Meeting Adjourned

Adjourn the meeting at 8:04PM. Passed with a motion by Jake Knaub and a second by Bret Jeffries. Megan Allen: Yea, Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea


Banner County School Schedule of Bills/Claims

Amplify Education, Inc Science Kits $7,604.80; Katie Armstrong Classroom Expense Reimb

$99.90; Cash-Wa Distibuting Supplies $593.73; Connecting Point Copies $562.62; Crossroads Music Supplies $478.99; DAS State Acctg Network Service Charges $238.13; ESU #13 Services

$10,339.79; Essential Fuel, LLC Car Wash $20.00; Floyd's Repairs Bus #1 & #2 $10,660.69; Frank Parts Supplies & Parts $765.00; Banner County School Account Reimbursement $519.22; Kari Gifford Meal Money-NRCSA $790.00; GreatAmerica Leasing Corp Copier Leases $250.00; Harris School Solutions Tax Forms $186.15; Harrisburg Water System Water Usage $624.97; High West Energy, Inc. Electricity $3,140.88; Home Depot Credit Services Space Heaters & Supplies

$255.64; Home Depot Pro Supplies $630.90; Home Depot Pro Supplies $358.79; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Go Math 6-8 Grades $3,366.24; Hullinger Glass & Locks Glass $34.38; Johnson Hardware Company Supplies $223.33; Jostens Caps & Gowns $288.00; Kaitlin Knaub Classroom Expense Reimb $77.17; KSB School Law PC LLO Legal Services $260.00; Lazy W Diamond Ranch LLC PT Conference Meals $472.50; Sarah Mason State Spelling Bee $170.00; Menards Supplies

$169.96; Nebraska/Central Equipment Parts $688.91; NRCSA Spring Conference Registration

$210.00; Pack Rat Enterprises, Inc Trash Removal $350.00; Panhandle Cooperative Assoc Cooking Lab Supplies $84.61; Peetz Farmers Coop Propane $9,864.80; J.W. Pepper & Son Inc. Supplies $218.62; PGE AHERA Re-inspection $750.00; Quick Care Medical Services Bus Driver Physical $250.00; Scotts Bluff County Consolidated Alarm Permit Fee $125.00; Staples Supplies

$195.88; Stephanie Stricker Classroom Expense Reimb $91.37; USI Education and Government Sales Supplies $207.68; Walmart Supplies $94.78; WESTCO Supplies $381.60; Western Nebraska Observer Legal Notices $19.78; Wells Fargo Card Services Supplies $178.07; Wells Fargo Card Services Time Clock System $38.25; Wiznerd Development Group LLC Tech Support

$283.50; 125 Clearing Account March 2023 Payroll $1,725.00; AFLAC March 2023 Payroll

$476.76; AFLAC March 2023 Payroll $1,350.74; Banner Capital Bank March 2023 Payroll

$40,163.98; Banner Capital Bank March 2023 Payroll $6,899.79; Banner County School March 2023 Payroll $2,395.00; Blue Cross & Blue Shield Ne March 2023 Payroll $50,055.82; Colonial Life March 2023 Payroll $160.34; Colonial Life March 2023 Payroll $331.37; Banner County School March 2023 Payroll $36,493.14; Horace Mann March 2023 Payroll $261.28; LegalShield March 2023 Payroll $174.40; MG Trust Company March 2023 Payroll $8,180.87; State of Nebraska March 2023 Payroll $5,980.39; Principal March 2023 Payroll $836.97; VSP March 2023 Payroll $487.41; March 2023 Payroll $119,776.52