September 2023

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Minutes of the Banner County School District
Board of Education Meeting

Monday, September 11, 2023


Notice of the Monday, September 11, 2023, Board of Education Regular Meeting was posted at Harrisburg U.S. Post Office, Banner Capital Bank, Banner County Courthouse, Banner County School, and in the Western Nebraska Observer.


Call to Order

The Regular Meeting of the Banner County School District Board of Education was called to order at 7:01 PM, in the school cafeteria.
The Nebraska Open Meetings Act was displayed in the cafeteria.


Roll Call/Welcome

Present: Megan Allen, Laura Baker, Bret Jeffries, Ronald Johnson, Jake Knaub, and Douglas Olsen.

Also present: Evelyn Browne, Superintendent/BOE Secretary and Principal Troy Holmberg.


Pledge of Allegiance

President Ron Johnson invited members and guests to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Approval of Agenda

Approve the agenda for the September 11th, 2023 Regular Meeting of the Banner County Board of Education. Passed with a motion by Laura Baker and a second by Bret Jeffries.
Megan Allen: Yea, Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea


Comments from the Audience

There was no public comment.


Awards and Recognitions

President Ron Johnson commended the following students and staff:
-New STUCO Representatives: Kambrie Loutzenhiser, Quincy Boettcher, Luke Olsen, Makynna Boettcher, Lydia Grant, Isaac Olsen, & Andie West
-Students who won 4th place in State Fair Quiz Bowl: Makynna Boettcher, Luke Olsen, Logan Mason, & Shawnie Mason.
-All of the Banner County School students who participated in the Kimball-Banner 4H Fair:
Isaac Olsen: 7 Purple, 4 Blue, 3 Red, 2 Grand Champion Archery; Beef Showmanship, Reserve Champion.
Jaspen Vrbas: 17 Purple, 7 Blue; Poultry Showmanship, Grand Champion; Bantam Chickens, Grand Champion; Sheep Showmanship, Reserve Champion; Market Lamb, Reserve Champion; Market Lamb Ultrasound, Grand Champion; Livestock Judging, Reserve Champion;
Andie West: 5 Purple, 2 Blue, 1 Red; Beef Showmanship, Grand Champion; 
Gabe Olsen: 4 Purple, 1 Blue; Archery, Reserve Champion.


Luke Olsen: 5 Purple, 2 Blue, 3 Red; Archery, Grand Champion; Market Beef Ultrasound, Reserve Champion.
Marie Hein: 2 Blue, 1 Red. 
Trace Olsen: 2 Purple, 1 Blue
Tate Olsen: 3 Purple, 1 Blue.
Bailie Gilbert: 4 Purple, 1 Blue; Market Swine, Grand Champion; Market Swine Ultrasound, Grand Champion;
Coleson Gilbert: 2 Purple, 1 Blue; Swine Showmanship, Reserve Champion.
Dalton Gilbert:
2 Purple, 1 Blue.
-Wyatt Onstott (Class of '23) received the "Hats Off" award at Fresh Foods in Gering where he is currently employed. 



-BCPS Foundation held their first fundraiser of the year - VIP parking spots awarded to Lee McGowan and Diana Newman.
-Thank you note and $1,000 donation received from Monument Elite VB for the use of our gym.
-PPHD supplied an Outdoor Air Quality monitor ($284) that will be installed at the school. The PurpleAir monitor uses WIFI to send and share data on particulate matter in the air.
Facilities & Transportation
- August Facilities Report (attached)
-Repairs to HS wing completed by Paul Reed Construction. ALICAP will cover the $20,545 cost minus our $500 deductible.
-ALICAP Premium $141,468 ($134,745 after dividend credit), an increase of 20% due Nebraska’s wind and hail exposure. Our risk modifier is .78 (>1 is excellent).
-HEPA air purifiers were placed in every instructional space and office. These were provided through DHHS, along with air filters and other supplies.
-Conference call with AMERESCO following information from roofing company. AMERESCO confirmed delivery of all ECMs and pricing in the PDESA on the agenda.
Student Programs & Enrollment
-Current 2023-2024 Enrollment - 138           PK = 8; K-5= 63; 6-8= 32; 9-12=35; LL- 1
-Option IN - 40           Option Out - 16
-District awarded 2022-2023 Safety Honor Roll certificate from ALICAP. 
-Distance Education Incentive Grant received - $9,000
-Driver Safety Course re-authorized for 2 years by DMV
-I will be presenting a session at the NASB Education Conference on Nov, 16 entitled: Reframing the 4-day Week Debate: Student Enrichment and Supporting the Profession. 
-Subs and activity bus drivers needed.
-Genny Milner hired as PT evening custodian



Homecoming Week Activities
The theme is "A Sweet Adventure"
Bonfire and Coronation Thursday Night
School Pictures on Tuesday, September 19th
Exchange Students - Two Freshmen Young Men
Hugo Escalera (Spain) and Valentin Mudry (France)
Field Trips/Extended Learning
4th Grade - 9/7           Tools and Technology at Legacy of the Plains in Gering
6th Grade - 9/19         Branch Out at Wildcat Hills Nature Center in Gering     
3rd Grade - 9/26         NE Fitness and Nutrition Day at Trails West in Scottsbluff 
Seniors- 9/26              County Govt. Day 
NSCAS and MAP Testing- Grades K-8 assessed during weeks of 9/4 and 9/11
Make-Up testing done 9/18-9/26
CIP (Continuous Improvement Process) Workshop- September 20 @ ESU 13
Members of the school improvement team, including myself, are attending
Our external visit is planned for next year.
Parent-Teacher Conferences on Thursday, September 28th (2-5, 6-8)
Elementary sent out sheet with possible times

Board of Education
Registration for the State Education Conference opens Sept 13th (Nov 15-17, Omaha Chi Center). Dr. Browne will register board members who wish to attend. 


Adopt Budget, Fiscal Year 2023-2024

Adopt the following Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024: General Fund: $5,050,684; Depreciation Fund: $276,460; Employee Benefit Fund: $111,898; Activities Fund: 100,000; School Nutrition Fund: $183,590; Special Building Fund: $3,117,683. TOTAL BUDGET: $8,840,315 and UNUSED BUDGET AUTHORITY: $85,444. Passed with a motion by Bret Jeffries and a second by Douglas Olsen.
Megan Allen: Yea, Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea


Approve Tax Request Resolution, Fiscal Year 2023-2024

Approve the District's Tax Request for the 2023-2024 school fiscal year: the General Fund is set at $2,614,736, Tax levy .79 and the Tax Request for the Special Building Fund is set at $143,182, Tax levy .043. The total tax levy will be $.834 per $100 of assessed value. Passed with a motion by Douglas Olsen and a second by Bret Jeffries.
Megan Allen: Yea, Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea


Consent Agenda

Motion to approve the consent agenda Passed with a motion by Bret Jeffries and a second by Laura Baker.
Megan Allen: Yea, Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea

-Approve the Minutes of the August 14th, 2023 regular meeting and the August 24th, 2023 Work Session

-Approve the payment of bills and salaries totaling $432,695.49 for the September 11th, 2023, regular meeting

-Appoint Representative for Federal, State & Local Matters

Committee Reports

Transportation and Grounds: No report.

American Civics, Curriculum, and Technology: No report.

Personnel and Negotiations: No report. 

Policy: The Policy Committee met on Sept. 6 to review new policies and revisions to policies - these are on the agenda for 1st reading. 


Approve Energy Finance Project Agreement with AMERESCO

Approve Project Development Energy Services Agreement (PDESA) with AMERESCO. Passed with a motion by Bret Jeffries and a second by Douglas Olsen.
Megan Allen: Yea, Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea


Approve Purchase of low-mileage Replacement Pickup

Motion to approve the purchase of a 2022 Chevy Silverado from Masid Chevrolet for $47,995. All other bids are rejected. Passed with a motion by Bret Jeffries and a second by Douglas Olsen.
Megan Allen: Yea, Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea


Approve Sale of Pickup

Motion to sell the 1997 GMC pick-up to Tod Wenger, as is, for $300. Passed with a motion by Bret Jeffries and a second by Ronald Johnson.
Megan Allen: Yea, Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Nay, Douglas Olsen: Yea


Approve 1st Reading of New Policies

Approve 1st reading of policies 508.17, Seizure Safe Schools; 508.18, Administration of Naloxone (Narcan); 508.19, Behavioral Points of Contact; 604.15 Information Relating to Dyslexia; 604.16 Use of Artificial Intelligence; 605.02 Alternative Education Program. Passed with a motion by Ronald Johnson and a second by Bret Jeffries.
Megan Allen: Yea, Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea


Approve 1st reading of revised policies.

Approve 1st reading of revised policies 502.02 Nonresident Student/Option Enrollment; 504.11 Weapons; 505.03 Suspension and Expulsion; 506.02 Student Organizations; 605.07 Part-Time Enrollment; 611.07 Graduation Requirements; 612.01-612.20 SPED Policies Passed with a motion by Ronald Johnson and a second by Laura Baker.
Megan Allen: Yea, Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea


Next Meeting

Regular Meeting: October 9th, 2023, 7:00 PM


Meeting Adjourned

Adjourn the meeting at 8:00 PM. Passed with a motion by Jake Knaub and a second by Bret Jeffries.
Megan Allen: Yea, Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea


Banner County School Schedule of Bills/Claims


Business U LLC Online Curriculum $2,120.00; Cash-Wa Distibuting Supplies $400.75; CDW Government, Inc. Toner $4,350.84; Comfort Inn State Fair Lodging $588.00; Connecting Point Copies $748.74; Crescent Electric Supply Co Parts & Supplies $145.25; ESU #13 August Services $2,369.87; ESU #13 Poster $11.22; ESU Coordinating Council Canvas Renewal $405.00; Frank Parts Parts & Supplies $218.91; Fresh Foods Staff Breakfast $113.76; Banner County School Account Reimbursement $2,001.19; Carla Goranson CDL Reimbursement $76.00; Grainger Equipment $492.25; GreatAmerica Leasing Corp Copier Leases $250.00; Susan Griffiths Safety & Sub Meeting $60.00; Harrisburg Water System Water Usage $586.32; High West Energy, Inc. Electricity $4,368.33; Home Depot Pro Supplies $409.95; Alma Johnson Safety & Sub Meeting $60.00; Ron Johnson Safety & Sub Meeting $60.00; Lazy W Diamond Ranch LLC Staff Meal $360.00; Matheson Tri-Gas Inc Supplies $959.71; Menards Supplies $71.84; MAC Conference Membership Dues 2023-2024 $1,750.00; NASB NAEP Dues $40.00; NASB ALICAP Annual Premium $134,745.00; Nebraska Safety & Fire Equip New Fire Alarm Panel $5,156.00; Ne Safety Center Level I Bus Trainings $510.00; Nancy Olsen Safety & Sub Meeting $60.00; Pack Rat Enterprises, Inc Trash Removal $350.00; Panhandle Cooperative Association Gas & Diesel $2,786.91; Marie Parker Safety & Sub Meeting $60.00; Jeri Revelle Safety & Sub Meeting $60.00;Judy Shaul Safety & Sub Meeting $60.00; Striv, Inc. Annual Subscription $3,565.00; Team Auto Center Repairs $86.95; Carolyn Thomas Safety & Sub Meeting $60.00; Western Nebraska Observer Legal Ads & Notices $448.94; Wells Fargo Card Services Supplies $519.72; Wells Fargo Card Services Office Furniture $325.48; Wells Fargo Card Services Travel & Supplies $374.19; Fred Williams Safety & Sub Meeting $60.00; Linda Williams Safety & Sub Meeting $60.00; Wiznerd Development Group LLC IT Consulting & Support $2,015.00; 125 Clearing Account Sep 2023 Payroll $1,121.08; AFLAC Sep 2023 Payroll $575.38; AFLAC Sep 2023 Payroll $1,005.81; Banner Capital Bank Sep 2023 Payroll $36,533.56; Banner Capital Bank Sep 2023 Payroll $6,055.66; Banner County School Sep 2023 Payroll $920.00; Banner County School Sep 2023 Payroll $1,225.00; Blue Cross & Blue Shield Ne Sep 2023 Payroll $48,735.53; Colonial Life Sep 2023 Payroll $111.58; Colonial Life Sep 2023 Payroll $511.45; Credit Management Services, Inc Sep 2023 Payroll $377.24; Banner County School Sep 2023 Payroll $34,263.55; Horace Mann Sep 2023 Payroll $147.42; LegalShield Sep 2023 Payroll $101.65; MG Trust Sep 2023 Payroll $9,150.88; State of Nebraska Sep 2023 Payroll $5,276.25; Principal Sep 2023 Payroll $786.67; VSP Sep 2023 Payroll $459.92; Sep 2023 Payroll $111,015.74