203.06 Board Committees

Friday, August 11, 2023


The board of education shall always act as a whole. There shall be no standing committees appointed which carry over into successive years. The president of the board of education may appoint special committees to perform some particular duty or responsibility. A special committee will cease to function when its duty has been performed or at the end of the term. The president shall annually appoint such special board committees as Americanism, Curriculum and Technology; Transportation and Grounds; Personnel and Negotiations; and Policy Review. Their duties shall include but not be limited to the following: 

Americanism, Curriculum, and Technology Committee:

The Americanism, Curriculum and Technology Committee shall be composed of three board members. The committee shall be responsible for assessing the school district’s curricular offerings and graduation requirements. It will be available to meet with any faculty curriculum committee and report to the board of education any curriculum studies in progress. This committee will work with faculty curriculum committees in the review and development of school curricular materials or changes in course content. This committee will make timely reports to the whole board of proposed modifications or changes. 

The committee shall examine, inspect, and approve all textbooks used in the teaching of American history and civil government. The committee will work with the school librarian and other staff members if students, parents, or patrons challenge the selection or use of library material, textbooks, or workbooks. It will review the selection of teachers to assure that those employed are of good character and knowledgeable of the American form of government. The committee will annually review the technology plan. 

Transportation and Grounds Committee:

The Transportation and Grounds Committee shall be composed of three board members. The committee will be responsible for working with the school administrators in the review of the school district's transportation program.  

The Transportation and Grounds Committee shall annually inspect the school building and grounds, and take recommendations from maintenance and administrative personnel for the development of short and long range maintenance and renovation plans. 

Personnel and Negotiations Committee:

The Personnel and Negotiations Committee shall be composed of three board members. The committee will be responsible for working with the school administrators in preparing for and during the time the school district salary and/or contract negotiations are taking place. Although all members of the board of education might benefit by attending area or state level contract negotiation meetings, negotiations committee members are encouraged to attend these meetings. The Negotiations Committee will make periodic reports to the entire board of education on meetings attended and on the progress of salary discussions within the district. 

Policy Review Committee:

The Policy Review Committee shall be composed of three board members. The committee will be responsible for the ongoing review of existing School Board Policies and Administrative Regulations. Policy review will reflect current legal requirements and the educational needs and expectations of students. New or revised policies will go before the Board of Education for proposed adoption according to Policy 205.02 – Policy Adoption. 

Temporary Committee:

A temporary committee shall be composed of no more than three board members. The committee may be used for study and fact finding. The president may appoint such temporary and special committees as may be deemed necessary or advisable by the board of education or a temporary committee may be nominated by a member of the board of education and approved by a vote of the board of education. The president shall be an exofficio member of any committee. The duties of the committee shall be outlined at the time of appointment, and the committee shall be considered dissolved when its final report has been made.  

Every temporary committee shall appoint a chairperson and a recording secretary. It shall be their functions to clear all meeting dates through the office of the superintendent of schools, record the actions or recommendations taken by the committee, and provide reports on the progress of the committee and make a final report to the board of education. All reports made to the board of education shall be recommendations only. Board members shall not hold membership on any citizens' advisory committee formed by the board of education. This shall not preclude board members acting as ex officio members or attending advisory committee meetings, serving as resource persons to the committee. 

Legal Reference: 

Neb. Statute 79-724 

Cross Reference: 

201.01 Board Powers and Responsibilities 

203.01 Board Organizational Meeting