February 3, 2025 at 10:00 AM - Board of Education Special Meeting
Call to Order
The Special Meeting of the Banner County School District Board of Education was called to
order at 10:54 AM in the School Library, 200 School Street, Harrisburg, Nebraska.
The Nebraska Open Meetings Act was posted.
Notice of the meeting was published at the entrance to the school, the Banner County Court
House, the Harrisburg Post Office, Banner Capital Bank, in the Western Nebraska Observer,
and on the school website.
Roll Call/Welcome
Present: Laura Baker, John-Robert Faden, Ronald Johnson, Jake Knaub, Douglas Olsen, and Ryan
Also present: Dr. Evelyn Browne was present for the meeting opening and 1st motion.
Approval of Agenda
Approve agenda for the February 3rd, 2025 Banner County Board of Education Special
meeting. Passed with a motion by Laura Baker and a second by Ron Johnson.
Laura Baker: Yea, John-Robert Faden: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen:
Yea, Ryan Olsen: Yea
Superintendent Interviews
Board members conducted interview of superintendent candidate.
Discussion of Interview Candidates
Board members discussed candidate interview. Shari Becker of NASB participated via
Microsoft Teams Meeting.
Review of stakeholder feedback
Board reviewed and discussed stakeholder feedback.
Closed Session
Motion to go into closed session at 2:19 PM, to prevent the needless injury to the reputation
of individuals and to protect the public's interest. Passed with a motion by Laura Baker and a
second by Ron Johnson.
Laura Baker: Yea, John-Robert Faden: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen:
Yea, Ryan Olsen: Yea
At 3:50 PM, the Board came out of closed session with no decisions being made. President
Douglas Olsen declared the meeting in open session at that time.
Discuss and take any necessary action to approve negotiations with a superintendent
Motion for the board president to negotiate with a candidate. Passed with a motion by John-
Robert Faden and a second by Laura Baker.
Laura Baker: Yea, John-Robert Faden: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen:
Yea, Ryan Olsen: Yea
Next Meeting
Winter Retreat Work Session: February 7th, 2025 at 8:00am in the School Library
Meeting Adjourned
Adjourn the meeting at 4:14 PM. Passed with a motion by Ryan Olsen and a second by John-
Robert Faden.
Laura Baker: Yea, John-Robert Faden: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen:
Yea, Ryan Olsen: Yea