February 7, 2025 at 8:00 AM - Board of Education Winter Retreat
Call to Order
called the Special Meeting - Retreat of the Banner County School BOE to order at 8:05 AM and
stated that the Nebraska Open Meetings Act was posted.
Notice of the meeting was published at the entrance to the school, the Banner County Court
House, the Harrisburg Post Office, Banner Capital Bank, in the Western Nebraska Observer,
and on the school web-site.
Roll Call/Welcome
President Douglas Olsen welcomed guests and reminded them that the board meeting is a
business meeting open to the public but it is not a public meeting.
Pledge of Allegiance
Members and guests stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Approval of Agenda
Approve the agenda for the February 7th, 2025 Annual Retreat of the Banner County BOE.
Passed with a motion by Jake Knaub and a second by Laura Baker.
Laura Baker: Yea, John-Robert Faden: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen:
Yea, Ryan Olsen: Yea
Board of Education Self-Evaluation
Members reviewed and discussed the Board Self-Evaluation survey.
Comments from the Audience
There was public comment regarding communication, district finances, and coach selection.
Discussion of the superintendent interview and negotiations process
President Douglas Olsen stated the Board may choose to go into closed session to hear
stakeholder feedback on the superintendent interview.
Go into closed session at 9:21 AM, to prevent the needless injury to the reputation of
individuals and to protect the public's interest. Passed with a motion by Laura Baker and a
second by Ron Johnson.
Laura Baker: Yea, John-Robert Faden: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen:
Yea, Ryan Olsen: Yea
At 9:55 AM, the Board came out of closed session with no decisions being made. President
Douglas Olsen declared the meeting in open session at that time.
President Douglas Olsen entertained a motion to go into closed session to discuss the
superintendent contract negotiation.
Go into closed session at 9:56 AM, to prevent the needless injury to the reputation of
Banner County Board of Education Special Meeting – February 7th, 2025
individuals and to protect the public's interest. Passed with a motion by Laura Baker and a
second by Jake Knaub.
Laura Baker: Yea, John-Robert Faden: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen:
Yea, Ryan Olsen: Yea
At 11:40 AM the Board came out of closed session with no decisions being made. President
Douglas Olsen declared the meeting in open session at that time.
Authorize NASB to continue superintendent search
Motion to authorize NASB to continue search for additional superintendent candidates. Passed
with a motion by Douglas Olsen and a second by Laura Baker.
Laura Baker: Yea, John-Robert Faden: Nay, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen:
Yea, Ryan Olsen: Nay
Annual Report to Patrons
Dr. Browne presented the 2024-2025 Annual Report" for Board review and discussion.
Update District/Board
The Board reviewed and updated goals for 2025-2026. A draft will be on the March 10 regular
board meeting agenda for approval.
School Calendar 2025-2026
Mr. Holmberg presented three drafts of the 2025-2026 School Calendar for discussion.
Dr. Browne identified current staffing needs for the upcoming school year. Certified staff are
required to inform the district by March 15 if they do not intend to renew for the upcoming
Transportation Report
Dr. Browne provided vehicle mileage, condition, and bus route information.
Facilities Discussion - Old Gym
The Board discussed options for improvements to the Old Gym. Dr. Browne will explore costs
and possible community engagement/input.
Discussion on Sports Co-op
A general discussion on considerations regarding a sports co-op with Minatare was held.
Banner County Board of Education Special Meeting – February 7th, 2025
Meeting Adjourned
Adjourn Special Meeting at 1:37 PM. Passed with a motion by Jake Knaub and a second by
John-Robert Faden.
Laura Baker: Yea, John-Robert Faden: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen:
Yea, Ryan Olsen: Yea