206.01 New Board Member Orientation

Friday, August 11, 2023


The board of education and the administrative staff shall assist each new member-elect to understand the board's functions, policies, procedures, and operation of the school system before he or she takes office. Each member-elect shall: I

. Be given selected material on the function of the board of education and the school system. 

II. Be invited to attend board meetings and to participate in its discussions. 

III. Be invited to meet with the superintendent of schools and other administrative personnel to discuss services they perform for the board. 

IV. Be given a copy of all school board policies, bylaws, administrative regulations, and copies of pertinent materials developed by the state school board association. 

a. Review Section 200 in School Board Policies and Administrative Regulations, which pertains to Board of Education functions. 

Cross Reference: 

201.02 Board Membership - Elections/Appointment 

202 School Board Member Conduct