April 2023

Monday, April 10, 2023

Minutes of the Banner County School District 

Board of Education Meeting

Monday, April 10, 2023


Notice of the Monday, April 10, 2023, Board of Education Regular Meeting was published at the entrance to the school, the Banner County Court House, the Harrisburg Post Office, Banner Capital Bank, the school website, and in the Western Nebraska Observer. 

Call to Order

The Regular Meeting of the Banner County School District Board of Education was called to order at 7:04 PM, in the school cafeteria.
The Nebraska Open Meetings Act was displayed in the cafeteria.


Roll Call/Welcome

Motion to excuse BOE member Megan Allen from the April 10, 2023 Regular meeting of the Banner County BOE. Passed with a motion by Douglas Olsen and a second by Bret Jeffries.

Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea


Pledge of Allegiance

President Ron Johnson invited members and guests to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Approval of Agenda

Approve the agenda for the April 10th, 2023 Regular Meeting of the Banner County Board of Education. Passed with a motion by Bret Jeffries and a second by Laura Baker.

Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea

Awards and Recognition

President Johnson commended the following students and staff:
-JH quiz bowl team placed fourth in the MAC competition at Bayard on March 20th AND third in the 8th-grade bracket at the Banner County Quiz Bowl on March 31st
Team members include Shawnie Mason, Makynna Boettcher, Mason Vargas, Luke Olsen, Reece Kaminski, Lydia Grant, and Braedyn Bojorquez.  
-Students who participated in Class D All-State Music in Kearney-- Grace Fankhauser, Wyatt Onstott, Isaac Olsen, and Jaelyn Yetter
-FFA State Convention - 6 teams competed:

Meats Judging -  placed 10th out of 56 teams - Blue: Adam Knaub - 44/216 blue; Brendyn Onstott - 53 blue; Jacob Parsons -23 blue; Tobey May -43 blue
Environmental & Natural Resources 54/128 White: Adam Knaub -purple, Nathan Clement-red, Wyatt Reichenberg, Jacob Parsons 
Ag Mechanics: Nathan Clement- Blue, Adam Knaub -Red, Wyatt Reichenberg -White, Jacob Parsons 
Agriscience: Logan Mason- Red, Abigayle Jones, Micah Dittbenner 
Livestock Management: Andie West, Isaac Olsen, Marie Hein, Micah Dittbenner, Logan Mason
Welding: Wyatt Reichenberg, Jacob Parsons, Adam Knaub, Brendyn Onstott

-Makynna Boettcher's AAU volleyball team has qualified for nationals.



-Air Force Environmental Impact Study update; Sentinel Sites scheduled to begin in 2023 and continue for 15 years. Anticipated 3,000 temporary workers to be housed in Kimball.
Facilities & Transportation
-Zoom meeting with AMERESCO to gain clarification on project details and discuss NEO 1% loan application procedures. Update attached.
Student Programs & Enrollment
-Current 2022-2023 Enrollment - 150           PK = 11; K-5= 68; 6-8= 29; 9-12=39, LL=1, VALTS=2
Option IN: 52              Option OUT: 16
- 3-Year ESSA Monitoring visit on April 5th with Ann Carmoney from NDE. 
- ESSER Year 3 Performance Report completed March 24th
-Troy Holmberg (Leigh, NE) is on the agenda for approval as new Principal.
-Olivia Terrones (Marshalltown, IA) is on the agenda for approval as the new 3rd grade teacher for the 2023-2024 school year.
-Megan Sinks (Morrill) is on the agenda for approval as the new 2nd grade teacher for the 2023-2024 school year.
-Letter of resignation received from Melisa Fesmire (2nd grade teacher).
-Retirement Reception for Bob Cooper, Nancy Olsen, Sharon Lease, and Marie Parker set for April 30th from 2:00-4:00pm in the small gym.


  1. A WNCC Rep was here to talk to Seniors on March 15.
  2. Mr. Caudillo took the following speech students to the NSAA State Speech Competition in Kearney on March 17:  Isaac Olsen, Conrad Kaminski, Karleigh Leslie, and Amanda Montelongo.
  3. Mrs. Wounded Arrow took the following students to Class D all State Band on March 18:  Isaac Olsen, Jaelyn Yetter, Grace Fankhauser and Wyatt Onstott.
  4. Ms. Bohac and Mrs. Brown took students to the MAC Quiz Bowl on March 20.
  5. Mrs. Knaub and myself took the Seniors on their Senior Educational Trip on March 21.
  6. The Sophomores took the Pre-ACT Test on March 21.
  7. A Marine Representative was here on March 21.
  8. A WNCC Rep was here on March 22 to talk to students.
  9. Mrs. Gifford and Mrs. Boettcher took the following students to the NRCSA Conference on March 23 to present on the High Energy Cappuccino: Adam Knaub, Andie West, Jacob Parsons, Riley Jones, Brendyn Onstott, and Isaac Olsen.
  10.  Sweets and Speech was held on March 28.
  11.  Mr. Gifford and Linda Barrett took students to the State FFA Convention March 29-31.
  12.  We hosted the Junior High Quiz Bowl contest on March 31.
  13. The Juniors took the ACT Test on April 6.  The ACT Test is the State Assessment for all Juniors.
  14.  Spring Sports have begun, there are 6 students in High School Track and 19 Students in Junior High Track.

Board of Education

President Johnson reported on the NASB's Board President's Circle Zoom meeting.


Consent Agenda

Motion to approve the consent agenda Passed with a motion by Bret Jeffries and a second by Laura Baker.

Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea

-Approve the Minutes of the March 13th, 2023 regular meeting.

-Approve the payment of bills and salaries totaling $357,643.27 for the April 10th, 2023, regular meeting.

-Approve obsolete technology equipment


Committee Reports

Transportation and Grounds: No report.

American Civics, Curriculum, and Technology: Next meeting May 8th at 6:30 PM.

Policy Review: No committee report. Two policies are on the agenda for 1st reading. One new and one for revisions. New policy received by request from NASB. Revisions on Classified staff benefits received from KSB LAw.

Personnel and Negotiations: No report.


Approve Principal's Contract

Approve the contract for Troy Holmberg as Banner County School PK-12 Principal for the 2023-2024 school year with an annual salary of $89,500 plus benefits as per the contract. Passed with a motion by Douglas Olsen and a second by Bret Jeffries.

Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea

Approve Certified Personnel Contracts

Approve the teaching contract for Olivia Terrones at BA Step 1. Passed with a motion by Bret Jeffries and a second by Laura Baker.

Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea


Approve the teaching contract for Megan Sinks at BA Step 1. Passed with a motion by Bret Jeffries and a second by Douglas Olsen.

Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea


Accept Certified Staff Resignations

Accept the resignation of Melisa Fesmire effective the end of the 2022-2023 contract year, with appreciation. Passed with a motion by Laura Baker and a second by Jake Knaub.

Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea

Approve Website Project Agreement

Approve a web-site project agreement with Wiznerd Development Group for $7,500. Passed with a motion by Jake Knaub and a second by Bret Jeffries.

Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea


Approve policy revision, 1st Reading

Approve 1st reading revisions for Policy 415.01 – Support staff vacations, holidays, personal, and sick leave. Passed with a motion by Bret Jeffries and a second by Laura Baker.

Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea


Approve new policy 1st reading

Approve 1st reading of Policy 801.09 – Transportation of non-school groups or individuals.  Passed with a motion by Bret Jeffries and a second by Laura Baker.

Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea


Approve Classified Salary Schedules

Approve a 2% increase in the base pay on classified employee salary schedules for Class A, Class B, Class C, and Class D. Passed with a motion by Bret Jeffries and a second by Douglas Olsen.

Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea


Next Meeting

Regular Meeting: May 8th, 2023, 7:00 PM


Meeting Adjourned

Adjourn the meeting at 8:18PM. Passed with a motion by Jake Knaub and a second by Laura Baker.

Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea


Banner County School Schedule of Bills/Claims

BCS Activity Fund HAL Reimb STUCO $9.08; Cash-Wa Distibuting Cleaning Supplies $764.20; Connecting Point Copies $592.80; Barbara Cooper Classroom Expense Reimb $82.86; Crowne Plaza Kearney Lodging for NRCSA $389.85; DAS State Acct Network Service Charges $238.13; ESU #13 VALTS, Services $14,262.33; Essential Fuel, LLC Car Wash $10.00; Floyd's Parts & Bus #2 Repairs $4,710.70; Frank Parts Supplies $457.30; BCS GF#2 Account Reimbursement $593.87; Grainger Supplies $51.50; GreatAmerica Leasing Corp Copier Leases $250.00; Harrisburg Water System Water Usage $538.37; High West Energy, Inc. Utilities Usage $3,466.76; Home Depot Pro Supplies $333.60; Hullinger Glass & Locks Glass Replacement $68.76; JMC, Inc Student Information System $2,740.50; Johnson Hardware Company Supplies $59.40; Jostens Diplomas $120.27; Jake Knaub Food Prep Island $200.00; KSB School Law PC LLO Legal Services $195.00; Lou's Sporting Goods JH Track Uniforms $2,494.00; Sarah Mason State Spelling Bee Reimb $249.78; Motor Fuels Division 1st Qtr Motor Fuel Tax $919.00; NAEA Professional Dues 2023-2024 $235.00; Pack Rat Enterprises, Inc Trash Removal $350.00; Panhandle Cooperative Assoc Items for BoE Mtg $236.97; Panhandle Cooperative Assoc Gas & Diesel $21,137.80; Peetz Farmers Coop Propane $10,871.52; J.W. Pepper & Son Inc. Supplies $34.97; Soar Pediatric Therapy LLC PT Services for February $703.12; Staples Advantage Supplies $340.34; Stephanie Stricker Reimb for Supplies $25.00; Team Auto Center 2006 Suburban Repairs $865.84; Western Nebraska Observer Legal Ads & Notices $746.95; Wells Fargo Card Services Supplies & Travel Expenses $1,285.30; Wells Fargo Card Services Time Clock & Travel $98.50; W.P.C.I. Drug Testing $62.00; 125 Clearing Account April 2023 Payroll $1,725.00; AFLAC April 2023 Payroll $476.76; AFLAC April 2023 Payroll $1,345.38; Banner Capital Bank April 2023 Payroll $42,411.46; Banner Capital Bank HAS April 2023 Payroll $6,899.79; Banner County School April 2023 Payroll $2,595.00; BCBS of NE April 2023 Payroll $50,054.51; Colonial Life April 2023 Payroll $160.34; Colonial Life April 2023 Payroll $328.94; Banner County School April 2023 Payroll $37,911.35; Horace Mann April 2023 Payroll $263.31; LegalShield April 2023 Payroll $174.40; MG Trust Company April 2023 Payroll $8,283.31; State of Nebraska April 2023 Payroll $6,302.95; Principal April 2023 Payroll $836.97; VSP April 2023 Payroll $537.12; April 2023 Payroll $126,545.31