November 2022

Monday, November 14, 2022

Minutes of the Banner County School District Board of Education Meeting 

Monday, November 14, 2022

Notice of the Monday, November 14, 2022, Board of Education Regular Meeting was published at the entrance to the school, the Banner County Court House, the Harrisburg Post Office, Banner Capital Bank, the school website, and the Western Nebraska Observer.

Call to Order

The Regular Meeting of the Banner County School District Board of Education was called to order at 7:00 PM, in the school cafeteria.

The Nebraska Open Meetings Act is displayed in the cafeteria.


Roll Call/Welcome

Present: Megan Allen, Laura Baker, Bret Jeffries, Ronald Johnson, Jake Knaub, and Douglas Olsen.

Also present: Evelyn Browne, Superintendent/BOE Secretary and Principal Charles Jones.


Pledge of Allegiance

President Ron Johnson invited members and guests to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.


Approval of Agenda

Approve agenda for the November 14th, 2022 Banner County Regular Board of Education meeting. Passed with a motion by Douglas Olsen and a second by Bret Jeffries.

Megan Allen: Yea, Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea


AMERESCO – Dana Dunn & Rob Sevier presented an overview of energy saving and site improvements for consideration.

Audit Presentation – was moved to later in the agenda

Awards and Recognitions

President Ron Johnson commended the following students, staff, and patrons:

  • Students who completed Hunter Education at the Wildcat Hills Nature Center: Tack Cross, Karlye Dittbenner, Ti Gaasch, Rory Jeffries, Aron Knaub, Kambrie Loutzenhiser, Kassie Loutzenhiser, Isaac Olsen, Luke Olsen, Tate Olsen, Gracee Taylor, & Jaelyn Yetter
  • Brandon Avila & Kyle Boettcher for coaching 1st-5th grade boys in the YMCA Flag Football league. These men spent 6 weeks of Sunday afternoons coaching, & practicing with our boys & they are greatly appreciated! Bret Jeffries was thanked for organizing the opportunity for BCS kids.
  • National Honor Society students and advisors Mrs. Olsen and Mrs. Knaub for organizing the Veterans Day breakfast on Nov. 10th and the Election Supper for volunteers on Nov. 8th.
  • Choral and Band students directed by Mrs. Wounded Arrow for the musical portions of the Veterans Day program.
  • The American Legion Post 36 Color Guard and Matt Meyers for their participation in the Veterans Day program.

Comments from the Audience

There was no public comment.





-A Flu & COVID vaccination Clinic was held on Friday, Nov. 11th

-Veterans Day program on Nov. 10th was well-attended

-Plans are underway for "Breakfast with Santa" on December 10th from 8:30am - 10:30 am.

Facilities & Transportation

  • October Facilities Report (attached)
  • October Technology Update (attached)
  • We are working with ESU13 to reduce our risk for cyberattacks or ransomware.
  • Madico Safety Shield 800 was installed on the main entrance exterior doors. As a bonus, the film should also protect the mural from further fading due to UV exposure. LED light options should also be considered that would best preserve the mural.

    -Amendments to the ESSER III grant, including the purchase a 14 passenger bus, are on the agenda for discussion.

    Student Programs & Enrollment

    -Current 2022-2023 Enrollment - 149 PK = 9; K-5= 67; 6-8= 31; 9-12=39; LL- 1; VALTS-2

    -Option IN - 53 Option Out - 10

    -NDE AQuESTT reports for Banner County High School graduation rates will be published in November and will most likely be incorrect. We are working to correct the data.

  • As part of a Nebraska Department of Economic Development, students had the opportunity to experience 21st Century Equipment’s Mobile Learning Lab consisting of virtual reality tools and other precision ag simulators that are core to the agricultural industry during OEF on Nov. 11. The intention of the grant is to recruit AG Technicians for training at Southeast Community College in Milford, NE or Garden County Community College in Kansas. John Deere reimburses Tuition, Books, Fees, Room and Board - as well as providing students with $7000 worth of tools and an accompanying tool box.
  • Received PEAK grant ($630) to cover summer reading program stipends for elementary teachers.

-Marie Parker applied for a grant to HOSA - Future Health Professionals, an international student organization. Senior Makayla Woolington is the inaugural president of the Banner County chapter.

-12 Students successfully completed the Hunter Education course at Wildcat Hills as part of OEF

-We are engaged in a conversation with Jobs for America’s Graduates Nebraska (JAG) that would expand high school electives through a JAG teacher assigned to Banner County. Students would learn workplace and life competencies through a project-based learning approach.


-Ron Vella was hired as part-time evening custodian.


  1. FFA Students attended the State Land Judging Contest in Chadron on October 12.
  2. Elementary students and staff went to the Adams Family Pumpkin Patch on October 13.
  3. We held a Spike Out Cancer night on October 14. Proceeds from the night were donated to the Festival of Hope.
  4. Mrs. Parker took students to a HOSA Day on October 17.
  5. Mrs. Parsons and Mrs. Grubbs took students to sell yearbook ads on October 18.
  6. A WNCC Rep was here to speak to Juniors and Seniors on October 19.
  7. Red Ribbon Week was held the week of October 24. Commendations to Mrs. Hilbert, Mr. Avila and the Cats Committed group for organizing the activities for the week.
  8. A UNL Rep was here to speak with Juniors and Seniors on October 25.
  9. Mrs. Hilbert and Mr. Avila took a group of junior high students to a Youth Leadership Day in Scottsbluff on October 26.
  10. We hosted the annual Junior High Wrestling Tournament on October 28. There were approximately 185 wrestlers for the day. A huge thank you to everyone who helped to run the tournament.
  11. On October 31 the Historical Society and the Banner County Fire and Rescue hosted our PK-5 students for trick or treating at the museum grounds.
  12. Mr. Gifford took students to a Career in Ag Day on November 2.
  13. Mrs. Gifford attended the NIAAA State Conference in Kearney on November 5-6.
  14. Paraprofessionals attended the “zoom” Para educators Conference on Nov. 8.
  15. Mr. Chris Cooper took students to Chadron Scholastic Day on November 9.
  16. Mrs. Gifford and myself attended the NSAA District VI meeting in Alliance on November 9.
  17. We held the Veterans Breakfast and Veterans Day Program on Thursday November

    10. Thank you to National Honor Society and sponsors Mrs. Olsen and Mrs. Knaub for the breakfast. Thank you to Mrs. Wounded Arrow and students for the musical program. Also thank you to the American Legion Post 36 Color Guard for presenting colors and to Mr. Matt Meyers for being our guest speaker.

  18. A Flu and Covid vaccination clinic was held on November 11.
  19. Fall sports have concluded, JH Wrestling is going strong now.
  20. Winter sports practice started today. We have 8 girls and 13 boys for basketball and 2 wrestlers.

Board of Education

Jake Knaub will attend the State Education Conference in Omaha.

All members should complete the online superintendent evaluation by Dec. 2

Committee Reports

Transportation and Grounds: No report.

American Civics, Curriculum, and Technology: Meeting held on Nov. 14th topics included middle/high school social studies program, Veterans Day program, daily school practice of standing for the Pledge of Allegiance, updates to cyber safety protocols, Social Studies program adoption grades K-6 in next year’s budget.

Policy Review: No report.

Personnel and Negotiations: Three meetings completed. Next meeting Nov. 29 at 6:00 PM.

ESSER III Program Review

Dr. Browne provided information on the current implementation and proposed amendments, and asked for comments and/or suggestions. Amendments include: .25 FTE teacher to support learning acceleration and recovery for students over 2 years for individual and small group support for students in Math, Reading, and Science; 14 passenger bus - $87,000; HVAC improvements through the Energy Finance Project.



Julie Peetz from Rauner & Associates, PC presented the 2022 Audit.


Consent Agenda

Motion to approve the consent agenda as presented Passed with a motion by Bret Jeffries and a second by Douglas Olsen.

Megan Allen: Yea, Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea

-Approve the Minutes of the October 10th, 2022 regular meeting.

-Approve the payment of bills and salaries totaling $318,637.00 for the November 14th, 2022, regular meeting.

-Approve Audit of School Accounts, 2021-2022

Seek Bids for a 14-Passenger Bus

Motion to seek bids to purchase a 14-seat passenger bus to be funded by the ESSER III grant Passed with a motion by Jake Knaub and a second by Bret Jeffries.

Megan Allen: Yea, Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea

Next Meeting

Work Session: Dec. 1, 2022, 5:00PM Regular meeting: Dec. 12th, 2022, 7:00PM


Meeting Adjourned

Adjourn the meeting at 9:02P. Passed with a motion by Jake Knaub and a second by Laura Baker. Megan Allen: Yea, Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea


Banner County School Schedule of Bills/Claims


Cash-Wa Distibuting Supplies $1,202.37; CDW Government, Inc Printer Supplies $750.71; Connecting Point Copies $1,016.61; DAS State Acctg Network Service Charges $238.13; Discount School Supply Supplies $31.88; ESU #13 October Services $10,968.65; Frank Parts Parts & Supplies $1,287.17; Banner County School Account Reimbursement $1,526.75; Grainger Supplies $265.34; GreatAmerica Leasing Corp Copier Leases $250.00; Harrisburg Water System Water Usage $559.12; Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Conference Lodging $139.95; High West Energy Electricity $2,291.46; Home Depot Credit Services Supplies $118.74; Home Depot Pro Supplies $1,441.60; Nebraska HOSA WNCC Health Science Experience $60.00; Hullinger Glass & Locks Parts & Supplies $70.00; KSB School Law PC LLO Digital Citizenship & Legal Services $4,094.75; Lakeshore Learning Materials Supplies $5.65; Matheson Tri-Gas Inc Helmet Headgear $25.23; Lou's Sporting Goods Supplies $334.63; McGraw Hill LLC Elem Reading Supplies $477.44; Menards Supplies $59.85; MGT Films Glass Safety Shield $2,042.00; Midamerica Books Library Books $489.00; NASB State Board Conference $398.00; Nebraska Dept of Education Paraeducator Conference $320.00; Nebraska/Central Equipment Supplies

$266.74; NKC Tire Flat Repair $21.00; NE State Fire Marshal Agency Annual Boiler Certificates

$108.00; Pack Rat Enterprises, Inc Trash Removal $350.00; Panhandle Cooperative Association Fuel for Bus #5 $1,074.23; Really Good Stuff LLC Supplies $28.17; Soar Pediatric Therapy LLC P/T Services for Sep & Oct $3,019.32; Staples Credit Plan Supplies $78.31; Team Auto Center Wheel Alignment $105.00; Vernier Software & Technology LLC Supplies $44.12; Walmart Supplies

$221.05; Western Nebraska Administrators Membership Renewal $125.00; Western Nebraska Observer Legal Notices $75.68; Wells Fargo Card Services Supplies $129.90; Wells Fargo Card Services Time Clock System $36.00; Wells Fargo Card Services Registration, Fees, & Supplies

$275.21; Wiznerd Development Group LLC Tech Consultation & Support $65.00; W.P.C.I. Alcohol & Drug Screening $124.00; 125 Clearing Account November 2022 Payroll $1,725.00; AFLAC November 2022 Payroll $476.76; AFLAC November 2022 Payroll $1,352.71; Banner County Bank November 2022 Payroll $42,079.98; Banner Capital Bank November 2022 Payroll

$6,899.79; Banner County School November 2022 Payroll $2,470.00; Blue Cross & Blue Shield Ne November 2022 Payroll $50,056.30; Colonial Life November 2022 Payroll $160.34; Colonial Life November 2022 Payroll $392.67; Banner County School November 2022 Payroll

$37,310.02; Horace Mann November 2022 Payroll $261.28; LegalShield November 2022 Payroll

$174.40; MG Trust Company November 2022 Payroll $8,252.89; State of Nebraska November 2022 Payroll $6,372.25; Principal November 2022 Payroll $836.97; VSP November 2022 Payroll

$326.44; VSP November 2022 Payroll $107.28; VSP November 2022 Payroll $104.91; November 2022 Payroll $122,665.25