October 2022

Monday, October 10, 2022

Minutes of the Banner County School District Board of Education Meeting 

Monday, October 10, 2022


Notice of the Monday, October 10, 2022, Board of Education Regular Meeting was published at the entrance to the school, the Banner County Court House, the Harrisburg Post Office, Banner Capital Bank, the school website, and the Western Nebraska Observer.

Call to Order

The Regular Meeting of the Banner County School District Board of Education is called to order at 7:00 PM, in the school cafeteria.

The Nebraska Open Meetings Act was displayed on the wall.


Roll Call/Welcome

Present: Megan Allen, Laura Baker, Bret Jeffries, Ronald Johnson, Jake Knaub, and Douglas Olsen.

Also present: Evelyn Browne, Superintendent/BOE Secretary and Principal Charles Jones.


Pledge of Allegiance

President Ron Johnson invited members and guests to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.


Approval of Agenda

Approve agenda for the October 10th, 2022 Banner County Regular Board of Education meeting. Passed with a motion by Bret Jeffries and a second by Douglas Olsen.

Megan Allen: Yea, Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea

Awards and Recognitions

President Ron Johnson commended the following students:

-Students of the Month: Quincy Boettcher (5) and Keira Bolander (10)

-Makayla Woolington (Senior) passed her certification test and is now a Certified Nurse Assistant.

-FFA Range Judging, September 14th in Scottsbluff

Senior Team 4th (out of 12) & Junior Team 4th (out of 20) - both teams earned white ribbon awards

Senior Team (juniors and seniors)

Adam Knaub 5th overall individual in the senior group, earning a green ribbon, Wyatt Reichenberg, Marie Hein, Janie Fonseca-Warm

Junior Team (freshmen & sophomores)

Isaac Olsen - finished as high individual in the junior category, earning a purple ribbon, Logan Mason, Abigayle Jones, Blake Ysac

State Range Judging, September 29th in Chadron

Team 27th out of 42 teams

Isaac Olsen- was our high individual finishing 69th out of 168 individuals, Adam Knaub, Logan Mason, Wyatt Reichenberg

Comments from the Audience

There was no public comment.



Dr. Browne presented certificates to the September Students of the Month: Quincy Boettcher (Grade 5) and Keira Bolander (Grade 10)





-Banner County Republican Party held a meeting at the school with guest, Congressman Adrian Smith on Oct 3

-Change for Heroes Campaign raised more than $1,000 for Banner County 1st Responders

Facilities & Transportation

  • September Facilities Report (attached)
  • AMERESCO will present initial Energy Financing Project proposal at the November 14th regular meeting

Student Programs & Enrollment

-Current 2022-2023 Enrollment - 149 PK = 9; K-5= 67; 6-8= 32; 9-12=38; LL- 1; VALTS-2

-Option IN - 53 Option Out - 16

-22-23 Budget has been accepted by the Nebraska Dept. or Education

-GEERS grant for PK-8 technology $3,477

-GEERS grant for WiFi access points $3,780


-Brittney Vella (custodian) and family have moved into the North Teacherage. There is one vacant apartment available in the West Teacherage.


  1. Chris Cooper took students to the College and Career Fair at WNCC on September 13.
  2. Bobby Truhe from KSB School Law presented on Digital Citizenship for students in grades 4- 12 on September 14.
  3. The Juniors took the ASVAB test on September 15.
  4. Angie Hilbert took her Government students to County Government Day on September 19.
  5. The Book Fair was held from September 19-26 and went well.
  6. Bill Gifford took FFA students to the EDGE Conference in Gering on September 20.
  7. Parent Teacher Conferences were held on September 22. Attendance rate for PK-5 was 93.6% and 6-12 was 82.9%.
  8. The Juniors received the ASVAB Test interpretations on September 27.
  9. Mrs. Groves and the 3rd Grade students went to Trails West Museum on September 28.
  10. FFA Students competed in the State Range Judging in Chadron on September 29.
  11. Mrs. Gifford and Ariel Acosta organized the First Responders Recognition night on September 30. There were activities that were held during the week to help raise money and the proceeds were donated to the Banner County Fire and Rescue.
  12. Mrs. Wounded Arrow took band students to Chadron State College to play with their band during the Homecoming Game on October 1.
  13. Mrs. Stricker and the 5th Grade students attended the WET Education day at North Platte NRD on October 4.
  14. BCS hosted the MAC Conference Junior High Volleyball Tournament on October 8. Our girls finished 3rd place in the tournament. Thank you for all of the people that helped with the tournament.

Board of Education

The Superintendent Evaluation (paper copy) was distributed. Members will complete the evaluation online by Nov. 10th.

Committee Reports

Transportation and Grounds: AMERESCO will present information at Nov. 14th regular BOE meeting

American Civics, Curriculum, and Technology: Next meeting Mov. 14th at 6:30 PM

Policy Review: Two policies were reviewed: 1005.10 Distribution or Posting of Materials, 1006.01 Community Use of School District Buildings, Sites, and Equipment

Personnel and Negotiations: 1st negotiations meeting is scheduled for Oct. 12th at 5pm


Consent Agenda

Motion to approve the consent agenda. Passed with a motion by Bret Jeffries and a second by Laura Baker.

Megan Allen: Yea, Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea

-Approve the Minutes of the September 12th, 2022 regular meeting.

-Approve the Minutes of the September 12th, 2022 Budget Hearing, Budget Summary, & Tax Request Hearing.

-Approve the payment of bills and salaries totaling $337,843.95 for the October 10th, 2022, regular meeting.


Next Meeting

Regular Meeting: November 14th, 2022, 7:00 PM

American Civics, Curriculum, & Technology: November 14th, 2022, 6:30 PM

Meeting Adjourned

Adjourn the meeting at 7:21PM. Passed with a motion by Jake Knaub and a second by Bret Jeffries. Megan Allen: Yea, Laura Baker: Yea, Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea


Banner County School Schedule of Bills/Claims

Ahlers Baking, Inc. Inservice Supplies $63.96; Cash-Wa Distibuting Supplies $509.03; CDW Government, Inc. Tech Supplies $72.05; Connecting Point Copies $315.00; Crossroads Music Supplies $224.84; DAS State Acctg Network Service Charges $454.90; ESU#13 SPED, Dist Ed, VALTS, MIPs $12,339.91; Frank Parts Supplies $646.78; Banner County School Account Reimbursement $566.49; GreatAmerica Leasing Corp Copier Leases $250.00; Harrisburg Water System Water Usage $628.52; High West Energy Electricity Usage $4,379.44; Home Depot Pro Supplies $609.71; Homecourt Publishers PBL Project School-Wide $399.00; Hullinger Glass & Locks Tempered Glass $82.33; Independent Plumbing & Heating Inc. HVAC Service $244.80; IXL Learning, Inc. Site License $1,995.00; WESTCO Supplies $806.40; Lazy W Diamond Ranch, LLC PT Conference Meals $424.00; Matheson Tri-Gas Inc. Welding Supplies $572.21; Lou's Sporting Goods VB Supplies $950.76; Math Counts Foundation MathCounts Registration $60.00; McGraw Hill LLC Student On-line Access $334.02; Midamerica Books Library Books $253.50; Motor Fuels Division 3rd Qtr. Motor Fuel Tax $313.00; NASB Area Membership Meeting $77.00; NKC Tire Tire Repair $19.99; Pack Rat Enterprises, Inc. Trash Removal $350.00; Panhandle Cooperative Assoc. Fuel for Bus#5 & Mower $2,359.34; Panhandle Cooperative Association Gas & Diesel $4,569.31; Peetz Farmers Coop Propane $10,895.60; Perfection Learning Vocabu-Lit Program 7-12 $329.94; Quick Care Medical Services Bus Driver Physical $125.00; Sandberg Implement, Inc. Parts $151.08; Scholastic Inc. Classroom Supplies $35.11; Soar Pediatric Therapy LLC PT Services $441.03; Jessica Stauffer CDL Reimbursement $61.41; Kurt Tremain Class B CDL Testing $200.00; Walmart Health Supplies $29.06; WESTCO DEF $243.90; Western Nebraska Observer Legal Ads & Notices $455.41; Wells Fargo Supplies & Background Ck

$884.06; Wells Fargo Time Clock System $36.00; Wells Fargo Supplies $73.45; Wiznerd Development Group LLC Tech Consultation & Support $146.25; 125 Clearing Account October 2022 Payroll $1,725.00; AFLAC October 2022 Payroll $476.76; AFLAC October 2022 Payroll

$1,348.28; Banner County Bank October 2022 Payroll $43,467.27; Banner Capital Bank October 2022 Payroll $6,899.79; Banner County School October 2022 Payroll $2,470.00; Blue Cross & Blue Shield Ne October 2022 Payroll $50,055.22; Colonial Life October 2022 Payroll $160.34; Colonial Life October 2022 Payroll $302.81; Banner County School October 2022 Payroll

$38,563.05; Horace Mann October 2022 Payroll $252.67; LegalShield October 2022 Payroll

$174.40; MG Trust Company October 2022 Payroll $8,249.12; State of Nebraska October 2022 Payroll $6,641.91; Principal October 2022 Payroll $836.97; VSP October 2022 Payroll $325.53; VSP October 2022 Payroll $107.28; VSP October 2022 Payroll $104.91; October 2022 Payroll
