October 2023

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Minutes of the Banner County School District
Board of Education Meeting
Monday, October 9, 2023

Notice of the Monday, October 9, 2023, Board of Education Regular Meeting was posted at
Harrisburg U.S. Post Office, Banner Capital Bank, Banner County Courthouse, Banner County
School, and in the Western Nebraska Observer.
Call to Order
The Regular Meeting of the Banner County School District Board of Education was called to
order at 7:01 PM, in the school cafeteria.
The Nebraska Open Meetings Act was displayed in the cafeteria.

Roll Call/Welcome
Present: Bret Jeffries, Ronald Johnson, Jake Knaub, and Douglas Olsen.
Also present: Evelyn Browne, Superintendent/BOE Secretary and Principal Troy Holmberg.
Motion to excuse BOE members Megan Allen and Laura Baker from the October 9th, 2023 regular
meeting of the Banner County BOE. Passed with a motion by Douglas Olsen and a second by Bret
Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea

Pledge of Allegiance
President Ron Johnson invited members and guests to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Approval of Agenda
Approve agenda for the October 9th, 2023 Banner County Regular Board of Education meeting.
Passed with a motion by Bret Jeffries and a second by Douglas Olsen.
Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea

Awards and Recognitions
-Students of the Month: Colbie Knaub (2) and Madalinn May (7)
-Nathan Clement was selected as the school level winner of the NSAA Believers and Achievers
award. Criteria for this award include academics, NSAA activity involvement, and school and
community involvement.
-Mrs. Priscilla Stauffer would like to share her appreciation for the great job Mrs. Melissa Jones did
covering her class during her family leave. 
-Mrs. Katie Armstrong, 1st grade, and Mrs, Stephanie Stricker, 5th grade, were both "Favorites" in
the Star Herald's "Best Teacher" list by the newspaper's readership. 
-FFA Range Judging -  Sept. 19th at Kimball
Team finished 3rd overall; Adam Knaub was 3rd overall individual; Isaac Olsen - 6th overall; Logan
Mason - 14th overall
-Livestock Judging - Oct. 4th at Hemingford
Andie West - 5th overall senior division individual; Micah Dittbenner - 5th overall junior division

Comments from the Audience
There was no public comment.

Isaac Olsen - Nebraska Ambassadors of Music
Students of the Month: Colbie Knaub - 2 and Madalinn May - 7


- Students in the worked-based learning class raised more than $500 for Banner County 1 st
Responders with their “Pie in the Face” fundraiser.

Facilities & Transportation
-Kick-off meeting with AMERESCO on Oct. 3. LED lighting in classrooms will be first phase. I
connected with High West re: LED rebates. I will be working with Kristi Rodekohr to maximize
the rebate options for the project. 

Student Programs & Enrollment
-Current 2023-2024 Enrollment – 138 PK = 8; K-5= 63; 6-8= 32; 9-12=35; LL- 1
-Option IN – 40 Option Out - 16
-23-24 Budget has been accepted by the Nebraska Dept. or Education
-Emergency Operation Plan (EOP) accepted with one recommendation.
-Humanities Nebraska grant received $1,000
-UNL Words Grant received $630

- Cherry Felkins hired as paraprofessional

Wildcat Period (Grades 6-12): Starting 10/18, running every Wednesday
Designed as intervention/support time
Students assigned to work room if failing or class or need to complete work
Students in good academic standing may sign up to work with a teacher or finish the
day in a designated area using time as study hall or to relax
Sixth grade will remain in their classroom

Student of the Month (SOTM) Awards– Colbie Knaub and Maddie May
Schoolwide Assembly on 10/3
Additional Nominees: Bailie Gilbert, Trace Olsen, Gannon Scheer, Alexander Stokes, Brayden
Bojorquez, Colesen Gilbert, Blake Green, Kesmera Palu, Mason Vargas
Parent-Teacher Conferences: 92% K-6 Attendance; 82% 7-12 Attendance

Field Trips: 10/5 Project Wet (5 th )
10/5 Fort Robinson (4 th )
10/17 Pumpkin Patch (PreK-5)
Health Screenings: October 12 th starting at 8:30

Upcoming Activity Dates: October 11 th , final JH FB and VB contests
October 19 th , final regular season varsity FB
October 23-24, VB subdistricts

Board of Education
-The West Region NRCSA meeting will be on Wednesday, October 18th at ESU-13 in Scottsbluff.
President Ron Johnson will attend lunch at noon followed by meeting.
-Discussed the Superintendent Evaluation timeline. Distributed paper evaluation copies. 
Members to complete on-line evaluation by Nov. 6th. Dr. Browne will email the link to members.

Committee Reports
Transportation and Grounds: No report.
American Civics, Curriculum, and Technology: Next meeting Nov. 13 th at 6:30PM.
Personnel and Negotiations: No report.
Policy: No report.

Consent Agenda
Motion to approve the consent agenda for the October 9th regular Board of Education meeting.
Passed with a motion by Bret Jeffries and a second by Douglas Olsen.
Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea
-Approve the Minutes of the September 11th, 2023 regular meeting.
-Approve the Minutes of the September 11th, 2023 Budget Hearing, Budget Summary, and Tax
Request Hearing.
-Approve the payment of bills and salaries totaling $319,843.44 for the October 9th, 2023, regular
-Review Rule 10 Accreditation Assurance Statement to NDE  
Approve 2nd Reading of New Policies
Approve 2nd reading of policies 508.17, Seizure Safe Schools; 508.18, Administration of Naloxone
(Narcan); 508.19, Behavioral Points of Contact; 604.15 Information Relating to Dyslexia; 604.16
Use of Artificial Intelligence; 605.02 Alternative Education Program. Passed with a motion by
Ronald Johnson and a second by Bret Jeffries.
Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea
Approve 2nd reading of revised policies.
Approve 2nd reading of revised policies 502.02 Nonresident Student/Option Enrollment; 504.11
Weapons; 505.03 Suspension and Expulsion; 506.02 Student Organizations; 605.07 Part-Time
Enrollment; 611.07 Graduation Requirements; 612.01-612.20 SPED Policies. Passed with a motion
by Ronald Johnson and a second by Bret Jeffries.
Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea

Next Meeting
American Civics, Curriculum, and Technology: November 13 th , 2023, 6:30 PM
Regular Meeting: November 13th, 2023, 7:00 PM

Meeting Adjourned
Adjourn the meeting at 8:03 PM. Passed with a motion by Jake Knaub and a second by Bret
Bret Jeffries: Yea, Ronald Johnson: Yea, Jake Knaub: Yea, Douglas Olsen: Yea

Banner County School Schedule of Bills/Claims

Larry Adams Activity Event $20.00; School Nutrition Fund P/T Conferences Supper $135.00;
Cash-Wa Distributing Supplies $750.45; Connecting Point Copier Contracts $555.78; Crossroads
Music Supplies $262.99; DAS State Acctg Network Service Charges $267.63; EastWest Books
Library Books $97.96; Ewell Education Services Student Record Book 1 yr $210.00; Floyd's Bus
#4 Parts $768.36; Frank Parts Supplies $935.33; GreatAmerica Leasing Corp Copier Leases
$250.00; Greenhouse Megastore Portable Steel Benches $2,800.00; Harrisburg Water System
Usage $385.82; High West Energy, Inc Usage $4,171.23; Home Depot Supplies $199.99; IXL
Learning, Inc Site License $1,400.00; Mike Johnson Vehicle Glass Replacement $532.79; Juice
Plus Co LLC Supplies $130.00; Kansas City Audio-Visual, Inc ClearTouch Board $4,258.46; Kimball
Public Schools DL Spanish 2023-2024 & SPED Transportation for 2023 $6,671.00; Menards Air
Compressor $767.03; Midamerica Books Library Books $248.45; Misko Sports Equipment
$2,485.70; Motor Fuels Division 3rd Qtr Fuel Tax $393.00; NKC Tire Repair $25.00; Ne Safety
Center Training $450.00; One Source Background Check $17.00; Pack Rat Enterprises, Inc Trash
Removal $350.00; Panhandle Cooperative Association Gas & Diesel $4,831.10; Peetz Farmers
Coop Propane $8,549.20; Quick Care Medical Services Bus Driver Physicals $500.00; The
Reading & Writing Project Network, LLC Developer Day $3,500.00; Scholastic Inc Supplies
$627.91; Sherwin-Williams Paint Supplies $515.80; Soar Pediatric Therapy LLC PT for August
$992.78; Walmart Supplies $426.79; WESTCO Supplies $476.00; Western Nebraska Observer
Ads & Notices $425.46; Wells Fargo Card Services Subscription $276.00; Wells Fargo Card
Services Supplies $311.07; Wiznerd Development Group LLC Website Development $5,547.50;
125 Clearing Account October 2023 Payroll $1,114.16; AFLAC October 2023 Payroll $575.38;
AFLAC October 2023 Payroll $997.04; Banner Capital Bank October 2023 Payroll $37,536.22;
Banner Capital Bank October 2023 Payroll $6,055.66; Banner County School October 2023
Payroll $970.00; Building Fund October 2023 Payroll $1,400.00; BCBS of NE October 2023
Payroll $48,716.11; Colonial Life October 2023 Payroll $111.58; Colonial Life October 2023
Payroll $507.48; Credit Management Services, Inc October 2023 Payroll $375.11; Banner
County School October 2023 Payroll $34,839.97; Horace Mann October 2023 Payroll $147.42;
LegalShield October 2023 Payroll $101.65; MG Trust Company October 2023 Payroll $9,170.45;
State of NE October 2023 Payroll $5,426.97; Principal October 2023 Payroll $786.67; VSP
October 2023 Payroll $435.21; October 2023 Payroll $114,057.78