1005.03R1 Parental Involvement Committee

Friday, August 11, 2023


Pursuant to the Improving America’s Schools Act of 1994 (IASA) the board of education of Banner County School District No. l shall involve the parents or guardians of children of this school district in assisting in the planning and the review of those programs which relate to the school’s Title I program. The school district shall provide the coordination, technical assistance, and other necessary support in the planning and implementation of these parental involvement activities. The partnership between home, school, and community by providing understandable information about standards and assessment; provide training and materials for parents or guardian to help their children; educate school personnel about involving parents and the value of parental contributions; and develop meaningful roles for community organizations and businesses to work with parents and with the school district.

School officials shall offer the following activities or services to the parents or guardians of all students involved in the school district’s Title I activities and to any other patron who may wish to become familiar with the program.

I. In September of each school year a copy of this policy shall be sent to all parents or guardians of students involved in the school district’s Title I program for their comments and review. The comments received shall be reviewed by the school district’s Title I committee. This committee shall make recommendations for changing or updating the policy and after consultation with the school principal; their recommendations will be presented to the board of education. The board of education, with the assistance and leadership of the superintendent of schools, will develop and adopt the school district’s Title I Parental Involvement Policy to become effective the following year. 

This policy along with other documents briefly outlining the school district’s Title I program shall be distributed to the parents or guardians of all students involved in the school district’s Title I program. Copies shall be given to all new families that may move in the school district during the school year, who may inquire about Title I services. Copies shall also be sent to the Banner county Welfare Office.

II. The school district shall hold one or more Title I information meetings each year for the parents and guardians of all children that participate in the school district’s Title I program. Notices of the meeting shall be provided to all students participating in the program and news article announcing the meetings will be prepared and given to the local news media. Attempts shall be made to hold these meetings at different times in an attempt to provide people the opportunity to attend one or more meetings throughout the school year.

III. Topics for discussion at these informational meetings shall include, but not limited to the following:

A. Recent changes in statutes relating to the Title I programs.

B. National Title I goals, program content recommendations, performance standards, and assessment procedures.

C. Title I personnel will be available to counsel with the parents or guardians of Title I students at all regularly scheduled Parent-Teacher Conferences. If the parents or guardian find that they have a conflict of schedule, Title I personnel or the school principal will be available to meet with the parents or guardians at a time convenient to them.

D. Title I personnel and/or the members of the school administration will present information concerning Title I funding and how Title I funds are being spent within the school district.

IV. At the school district Title I informational meetings parents and guardians shall be appraised as to how district performance profiles compare with test norms. The school district Title I plan will be presented. Reports will be made to parents or guardians concerning the achievement results of their child.

V. The goals of the Title I plan should be coordinated with the educational goals of the school district. The parents and guardians of Title I students should be made aware of the importance of students support and present information on ways of reinforcing student achievement.

VI. Title I personnel should work with parents or guardians and their children in developing educational goals which will reinforce student success.

VII. The school district will provide interpreters and translators if it is deemed necessary to insure parental participation.

VIII. School officials will review school policy and student handbooks with parents, guardians, and students. Title I parents or guardians will be encouraged to provide input into ways of assuring better communications between school, parents, and students.

IX. The school district will annually survey the parents and guardians of students participating in the Title I program to ascertain the following information:

A. The perceived effectiveness of the program.

B. Ways of improving communications.

C. Ways of improving the curricular content of the program.

X. The school administration will meet on a scheduled basis with Title I staff to continuously evaluate the program and to elicit information on ways of improving the program.