202.03 Board Self-Evaluation

Friday, August 11, 2023


Attendance at meetings directly or indirectly related to education or school matters shall be encouraged for the values they have to the school system and the professional growth of board members. The board of education encourages members to examine other school facilities and their programs. 

The superintendent of schools shall notify members of the board of education of all relevant scheduled meetings. 

The board also encourages attendance of its own members to: 

I. District and state meetings of the Nebraska Association of School Boards. 

II. Legislative sessions and related activities. 

III. Other local and regional meetings and/or inservice activities. 

IV. National conventions or the National School Boards Association and/or American Association of School Administrators on a rotation basis among the members. 

The Board of Education shall annually complete the Self Evaluation Instrument at the Board of Education Retreat. 

Legal Reference: 

Neb. Statute 79-526 

Cross Reference: 

102 Educational Philosophy of the District 

104 Educational and Operational Planning 

201.01 Board Powers and Responsibilities 

702.02 Budget Planning, Preparation and Schedules 

902.01 Buildings and Sites Long Range Planning 

1001 Principles and Objectives for Community Relations