205.02 Policy Adoption

Friday, August 11, 2023


The board shall give notice of proposed policy changes or adoption of new policies by placing the item on the agenda of two regular board meetings. The proposed policy changes shall be distributed and public comment will be allowed at each meeting prior to final board action. 

The final action taken to adopt the proposed policy may be approved by a simple majority vote of the board at the second regular meeting. The policy will be effective on the later of the date of passage or the date stated in the motion. 

If at least four members of the board of education vote to do so, the requirement to consider a proposal at two scheduled meetings may be waived to permit specific action to be taken after one reading of the proposal if notice of the pending action has appeared in the published agenda. 

Legal Reference: 

Neb. Statute 79-520 


84-712 et seq. 

NDE Rule 10.004.01A1 

Cross Reference: 201.01 Board Powers and Responsibilities