206.03 Board Member Development Opportunities

Friday, August 11, 2023


The board may participate in conferences sponsored by educational associations and agencies in addition to its own in-service programs and work sessions. 

The board shall encourage its members to attend training and development programs with the purpose of improving members’ leadership skills, increasing their knowledge of educational issues and better representing the interests of the school district. 

All new members of the board of education are encouraged to attend the Nebraska Association of School Boards (NASB) New Board Member Workshop. 

The board also encourages attendance of its own members to: 

I. District and state meetings of the Nebraska Association of School Boards. 

II. Legislative sessions and related activities. 

III. Other local and regional meetings and/or inservice activities. 

IV. National conventions or the National School Boards Association and/or American Association of School Administrators on a rotation basis among the members. 

Cross Reference: 

206.02 Board Association Membership