304.03 Handbooks and Directives

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Friday, August 11, 2023


In order that the necessary board policies, regulations, school rules and procedures may be known by all staff members, patrons, students and parents affected, district administrators and principals are granted authority to issue staff and student/parent handbooks. 

It is essential that the contents of all handbooks conform with district policies and regulations. It is also important that all handbooks bearing the name of the district or one of its schools be of a quality that reflects favorably on the district. The board, therefore, expects all handbooks to be approved by the board and/or superintendent or designee before publication. 

The board will review and approve district personnel handbooks in order that the contents may be accorded the legal status of board-approved policy and regulation. The superintendent will use his/her judgment as to whether other specific handbooks need board approval. However, all handbooks published are to be made available to the board for informational purposes.