Physical or sexual abuse of students, including inappropriate and intentional sexual behavior, by employees will not be tolerated. The definition of employees for the purpose of this policy includes not only those who work for pay but also those who are volunteers of the school district under the direction and control of the school district. Employees found in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including discharge.
The school district will respond promptly to allegations of abuse of students by school district employees by investigating or arranging for the investigation of an allegation. The processing of a complaint or allegation will be handled confidentially to the maximum extent possible. Employees are required to assist in the investigation when requested to provide information and to maintain the confidentiality of the reporting and investigation process.
The superintendent will appoint an investigator and alternate investigator of opposite sexes. The investigator will pass the findings on to the superintendent who will complete any further investigations as deemed necessary and take appropriate final action.
The superintendent is responsible for implementing this policy and for organizing employee training when needed relating to this policy. Procedures shall be reviewed periodically for adequacy and accuracy.
Cross Reference:
403.02 Child Abuse Reporting
404.06 Harassment by Employees
505.06 Corporal Punishment