504.04 Student Conduct on School Bus

Friday, August 11, 2023


For the safety of all personnel riding on the bus, student conduct and the observance of the bus safety regulations are essential. The bus driver or the assigned adult sponsor are responsible for seeing that the regulations are observed. Older students can assist in safety on the bus, both by example and by encouraging younger riders to remain quiet and in their seats. General regulations for riding in school transportation equipment is covered in the student handbook. Students who fail to observe the district rules may be excluded from riding in school-sponsored transportation. 

On scheduled bus routes the bus driver is responsible for notifying a student's principal if the actions of a student may place the safety of other people riding on the bus in danger. On activity or field trips the assigned adult sponsors shall be responsible for maintaining rider discipline and for reporting infractions to the school principal. The privilege of riding a bus may be withdrawn if a student does not observe the safety regulations prescribed by school officials. 

Students riding the school buses are deemed to be under the control of school officials in the same manner as pupils in the class rooms. On activity or field trips, assigned adult sponsors shall be responsible for maintaining rider discipline and for reporting infractions to the school principal. No student will have riding privileges suspended without consultation with the school principal. Any student reported to the school principal for misconduct may be denied bus transportation for a period of time. Subsequent offenses may result in denial of transportation privileges for the remainder of a semester. 

Students shall not be permitted to leave a bus until they have arrived at their destination except on written instruction from the school administration and/or the students' parents or guardian. Students who normally do not ride a bus must have written permission from the administration before they are allowed to ride. The bus driver will conduct periodic safety instruction to provide students with information relative to safe transportation procedures. Students shall be familiarized with the emergency procedures in case of an accident as set forth in Policy 801.04. Refer to Bus Drivers Manual for additional information as to student conduct, evacuation procedures, and general information. y

Cross Reference: 504.03 Student Conduct 505 Student Discipline