606.03 Objection to Instructional Materials

Friday, August 11, 2023


Occasionally objections to instructional materials will be made despite the quality of the selection process. The board of education supports principles of intellectual freedom inherent in the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States and expressed in the Library Bill of Rights of the American Library Association and in the Student's Right to Read of the National Council of Teachers of English. In the event that materials are questioned, the principles of intellectual freedom, the right to access of materials, and the integrity of the certificated library media specialist must be defended rather than the materials. 

The procedures to be followed in reconsideration of instructional or library/media materials shall include the organization of a Material Review Committee. This group will be appointed by the superintendent of schools as needed. The committee shall consist of the media specialist, school principal, two faculty members not serving on the media committee, and two patrons. 


The following procedure will be used when responding to challenges from students, parents, or patrons of Banner County School District No. 1 regarding the inclusion of certain textbooks or library/media materials in the schools: 

Building Level. 

I. The media director shall field the initial complaint, and shall provide the complainant with copies of Policy 606.02 and administrative regulation 606.03R1, Request For Reconsideration of Instructional and Library Materials. The media director will discuss the material in question with the complainant, and at the conclusion of the meeting, shall prepare a report of the meeting using the Report of Meeting Form found in 606.03R1, Request For Reconsideration of Instructional and Library Materials. 

II. Following the meeting with the complainant, the media director shall meet with the school principal and review the instructional material which is the subject of the complaint and shall discuss the nature of the complaint. The media director and the school principal shall reach an initial decision whether to retain, reclassify, or remove the material, and the school principal shall report their decision on the Report of Meeting Form. 

III. The school principal shall notify the complainant, the superintendent of schools, and the board of education in writing of the decision reached by he or she and the media director, concerning the instructional material in question. 

Material Review Committee. 

In the event that the school principal and the media director are unable to agree whether to retain, reclassify, or remove the instructional material in question, or in the event the complainant is not satisfied with the decision reached by the school principal and the media director, the following procedures shall be followed: 

I. The complainant should be asked to complete and submit a formal request for consideration of instructional materials. 

II. A meeting shall be held with the complainant, the review committee, and the school principal (if not a member of the material review committee), where the instructional material is located. Prior to the meeting, the material review committee members shall each review this policy and Policy 606.02. The material review committee shall also review the challenged material. 

III. The superintendent of schools shall be kept informed of the status and progress of all objections to the instructional materials. 

IV. While the instructional material is being reconsidered, the challenged material shall be retained on the media center shelves or retained as instructional material. 

A. If the complainant has a child that may be exposed to the material under consideration, that child may be excused from any class where the material is being used or discussed, or may be excused from reading the material if it would be required reading material during the time the material is under consideration. Furthermore, alternate assignments shall be arranged so that the grades for that child shall in no way be affected. 

V. At the conclusion of the meeting between the complainant, or complainants, material review committee, and the school principal if applicable, the material review committee shall decide whether to retain, reclassify, or remove the material under consideration, and shall add their decision or recommendations to the Report of Meeting Form. The complainant, the superintendent of schools, and the board of education shall be notified in writing of the decision of the material review committee. 

Board of Education Level. 

In the event the complainant is not be satisfied with the decision of the material review committee, and should further action on the challenged material be needed, the following procedures shall be followed: 

I. The complainant should be asked to resubmit the request for reconsideration of instructional material. 

II. The request for reconsideration of instructional material, together with the material review committee report and recommendation shall be presented to the superintendent of schools and to the board of education within fifteen (15) working days after the decision and recommendation by the material review committee. 

III. Following receipt of the material by the superintendent of schools for reconsideration, the request shall be placed on the agenda of the next meeting of the board of education, and the complainant shall be notified of the date and place of the meeting of the board of education, at which time the board of education shall consider the request for reconsideration. 

IV. The board of education shall make the final decision with regard to whether to retain, reclassify, or withdraw the challenged instructional material, and the instructional material shall be retained or withdrawn as mandated by the board of education. 

V. If the material is retained, it may not be subject to additional challenge for three years. The book or instructional material will be marked as having been challenged with the date of the challenge shown. The date of the challenge shall be deemed to be the date the request for reconsideration of instructional material was completed. 

Cross Reference: 204.12 Public Participation in Board Meetings 

403.05 Public Complaints About Employees 

603 Curriculum Development