606.07R2 Website and Publication Privacy Guidelines

Friday, August 11, 2023


The BCS website and all BCS umbrella sites serve as a resource for individuals both inside and outside of the Banner County Schools community. Banner County Schools takes seriously its legal and moral obligations to protect the privacy of its students and their parents, faculty and board members online. 

All BCS websites follow these specific “best practices”: 

Student Privacy and the Posting of Student Work, Likeness or Images on the Web 

Students are defined as those individuals of the Banner County School community who attend the school. 

1. In order for “Student Work and Likeness”, defined as photos, works (images and text), quotes, and multimedia (video, audio, podcasting, slideshows, etc.) to appear on the BCS website, Banner County Schools must have a permission form signed by a parent or guardian, or by the student if he or she is 18 or over, on file with the school. 

2. Student names are never to be published in conjunction with photographs. 

Adult Privacy and the Posting of Adult Work, Likeness or Images on the Web Adults are defined as those individuals of the Banner County School community (faculty, parents, alumni, board members) and external community who are not students and are over 18 years of age. 

Personal information for any Banner County School community member will not be published on any BCS related web page. In general, school contact information may be published, but personal contact information will not be published. 

1. Permission is not required to publish first and last names or images of adult community members in conjunction with school events. 

2. Video or audio files posted on any BCS related website must adhere to School Hosted Website Policy. Proper written permission from those who have been audio- and/or video-recorded must be obtained by the person or persons doing the recording. 

3. The only faculty contact information to be included in publicly accessible portions of the BCS website are: a) Banner County School contact numbers and extensions b) Email addresses provided by panesu.org or other e-mail provider controlled filter NOTE: All personal email addresses and phone numbers require permission of the recipient prior to publishing. 

4. Personal contact information (home phone, home address, personal email addresses, or personal website URL’s) for our community will not be included in any Banner County School publication or online. In instances where this information is necessary for an event, the following will be used: “Contact the Banner County School Business Office”. 

5. It is Banner County School’s policy that websites which promote members or the Banner County School community for profit (personal portfolios, family corporations, etc.…) are not to be posted on any BCS related website. 

Please direct questions about this Privacy Policy, to the Banner County Schools Administration and/or Website Administrator.