The district ensures that children with disabilities are included in all general state and district wide assessment programs, with appropriate accommodations and alternate assessments where necessary and as indicated in their respective individualized education programs.
District staff will provide the parent, guardian, or appointed surrogate (when applicable) with information regarding decisions to evaluate (what they are proposing or rejecting, reasons for decisions, all options considered, why other options were rejected, what information was used to make decisions, and any other relevant information). Staff will review evaluation assessment plans with parents and will seek written permission for evaluation on the district consent form which will provide state and Federal requirements consistent with 300-9 and 92 NAC 51-009.08. Informed consent for special education placement will be obtained on the IEP form before services are initiated. Revocation of consent for evaluation or services must be documented by the parent in writing
NDE document “Supporting Document to Checklist of Required Special Education Policies, Procedures and practices for Part B of the IDEA” shall serve as an administrative procedure to this policy. The entire document can be found at
Approved July 14, 2014 Reviewed _______________ Revised October 9, 2023