The district will provide for the transportation expenses of children with disabilities who are residents of the school district. This shall include transportation services needed for children (including birth to 5-year-olds who are wards of the state, parentally placed nonpublic students who require services) to access academic, related services, and
nonacademic services and activities as determined by the child’s IEP team. Except when a parent is transporting only his or her child, the board of education shall require that the driver and vehicle meet the standards required by 92 NAC 91 and 92.
NDE document “Supporting Document to Checklist of Required Special Education Policies, Procedures and practices for Part B of the IDEA” shall serve as an administrative procedure to this policy. The entire document can be found at
Approved July 14, 2014 Reviewed _______________ Revised October 9, 2023