706.04 Vendor Relations

Friday, August 11, 2023


The district welcomes business and bids from all eligible vendors. Preferential treatment will not be extended to any vendor. Orders will be placed on the basis of quality, price and delivery, with past services being a factor if other considerations are equal. 

No school employee or student shall visit with or discuss business matters of a personal nature with any representative during the hours that school is in session or that the school employee is on duty in the school, except by permission of the school principal or superintendent of schools. 

Any agent or business representative calling on school personnel about school matters such as textbooks, publications of the school, class insignia, athletic equipment, school equipment, school supplies, building maintenance equipment and supplies, etc., shall first obtain permission of the school principal or superintendent of schools before contacting other school personnel. 

Cross Reference: 

403.04 Gifts to Employees