Safe Pupil Transportation Plan
This Safe Pupil Transportation Plan sets forth the District’s plan for providing safe transportation to students being transported in vehicles on regular routes assigned through the district transportation plan.
1. Weapons- Vehicles shall not transport any items, animals, materials, weapons or look-alike weapons, explosive devices or bomb-related materials or equipment which could endanger the lives, health, or safety of the children, other passengers, and the driver. Look-a-like weapons associated with a school-sponsored or approved activity may be transported with written permission of an administrator of the District. If possible, these items should be secured and not visible or accessible to students while in the vehicle.
Upon becoming aware of a weapon aboard a vehicle, the driver will make every attempt to:
A. Contact dispatch and notify them of the situation if possible. If not possible, the driver will make every attempt to contact from a cell phone (after parking on a shoulder or otherwise not moving) or from the nearest safe haven location. Examples of a safe haven include, but are not limited to, any school building site, emergency service station (law enforcement or fire department), community service agency, etc.
B. Pull vehicle over to safe and secure area.
C. Confiscate weapon (if doing so does not jeopardize student or driver safety). D. Give description of weapon and participating parties to dispatch.
E. Dispatch will immediately notify appropriate law enforcement agencies and school administration.
2. Pupil behavior- Students are expected to follow student conduct rules while in a vehicle. The pupil transportation driver is responsible for controlling behavior which affects safety and for reporting rule violations to school administration. In the event a student violates Board policy regarding student conduct standards or otherwise engages in behavior that jeopardizes safety, the driver will make every attempt to:
A. First seek to resolve incident through discussion with the student(s) involved.
B. Contact dispatch and notify them of situation if possible. If not possible, the driver will make every attempt to telephone dispatch from a cellular telephone or from the nearest safe haven location.
C. Activate emergency flashers.
D. Bring vehicle to a safe stop. Seek to resolve the incident, using physical force only as necessary to protect students or yourself.
E. Report and document discipline problems to the school administrator. Use a Bus Conduct Report/Incident Form, if available.
3. Terrorist threats- A person commits a terroristic threat if the person threatens to commit a crime of violence with the intent to terrorize another or with the intent of causing evacuation of a building, place of assembly or the vehicle or in reckless disregard of the risk of causing such terror or evacuation. Upon becoming aware of a terroristic threat relating to a pupil transportation vehicle, the driver will make every attempt to:
A. Contact dispatch and notify them of situation if possible. If not possible, the driver will make every attempt to telephone dispatch from a cell phone or from the nearest safe haven location.
B. Make every attempt to keep passengers calm (this may mean complying with the terrorist).
C. Dispatch will immediately notify appropriate law enforcement agencies and school administration.
D. Driver should wait for instructions from dispatch if possible.
4. Severe weather- Upon becoming aware of severe weather while aboard a pupil transportation vehicle, the driver will make every attempt to:
A. Contact dispatch and notify them of situation if possible. If not possible, the driver will make every attempt to telephone dispatch from a cellular telephone or from the nearest safe haven location.
B. Return to the school if less than five minutes away and follow the directions of the school administrator.
C. If more than five minutes away from school, go to the nearest school and follow the directions of the school administrator.
D. If more than five minutes away from the nearest school or there is immediate danger, get to the nearest basement or underground shelter with all students.
E. If there is no shelter and there is immediate danger the driver and passengers are to follow evacuation procedures and get everyone off the vehicle into the nearest ditch or culvert at least 100 feet away from the vehicle.
5. Hazardous materials and Unattended Items-Upon becoming aware of a hazardous material aboard a pupil transportation vehicle, the driver will make every attempt to:
A. Contact dispatch and notify them of situation if possible. If not possible, the driver will make every attempt to telephone dispatch from a cellular telephone or from the nearest safe haven location.
B. Pull vehicle over to safe and secure area.
C. Give description of hazardous materials in question to dispatch.
D. Dispatch will immediately notify appropriate law enforcement and school administration.
E. Driver should wait for instructions from dispatch if possible.
In the event an unattended item is discovered on or near the vehicle, the driver will seek to determine who the item belongs to and whether the item could be hazardous to the safety of those in the vehicle. Any unattended item that would break or could cause injury if tossed about the inside of the vehicle when involved in an accident shall be secured. If it is determined that the item is not hazardous and need not be secured, the driver will not allow the item to distract the driver’s attention to the task of operating the vehicle.
6. Medical emergencies- Upon becoming aware of a medical emergency aboard a vehicle, the driver will make every attempt to:
A. Contact dispatch and notify them of situation if possible. If not possible, the driver will make every attempt to telephone dispatch from a cell phone or from the nearest safe haven location.
B. Dispatch will immediately notify appropriate medical agencies and school administration.
C. Driver should follow instructions from dispatch, school officials, and parents when such information can be obtained quickly enough. If not available, follow emergency first aid procedures.
D. Only if necessary, the driver should move passengers only enough to get them out of danger of traffic or fire. If moved, the driver and aide are to keep them where placed until a medical agency arrives, unless a parent has taken charge of their child.
E. Driver should try to keep student passengers as calm as possible.
7. Procedures in the event of mechanical breakdowns of the vehicle- Upon becoming aware of a mechanical breakdown aboard a vehicle, the driver will make every attempt to:
A. Pull vehicle over to safe and secure area if possible.
B. Contact dispatch and notify them of situation if possible. If not possible, the driver will make every attempt to telephone dispatch from a cellular telephone or from the nearest safe haven location.
C. Activate emergency flashers and place warning flares/reflectors in accordance with safety guidelines, if not in secure area.
D. Driver should try to keep student passengers as calm as possible.
E. Dispatch will arrange for assistance and a relief vehicle if needed.
8. Procedures in the event the drop-off location is uncertain or appears unsafe to leave students. In the event the drop-off location is uncertain or appears unsafe to leave students, the driver will make every attempt to:
A. Contact or otherwise communicate with dispatch to notify them of the situation if possible.
B. Release children only if an adult responsible for the children is present. If not, keep children who are to be released in the vehicle, continue with route, and return children who were to be released to the school.
C. Dispatch will notify appropriate law enforcement agencies and school administration if appropriate given the circumstances.
9. Documentation under Safe Pupil Transportation Plan. Each pupil transportation driver is required to complete and submit to the school administration a bus conduct report or incident report involving the pupil transportation vehicle operated by the driver or any pupils transported in it. Documentation is to include the occurrence of any of the following events: weapons, student behavior which affects safety, terroristic threats, severe weather, hazardous materials, or medical emergencies. Documentation of such events shall be completed and submitted as soon as practicable after the incident.
10. Transportation of Unsafe Items. Drivers shall not permit pupil transportation vehicles to transport any items, animals, materials, weapons or look-a-like weapons or equipment which in any way would endanger the lives, health or safety of the children or other passengers and the driver. Look-a-like weapons associated with a school sponsored or approved activity may be transported only with written permission of a school administrator. Any items that would break or could produce injury if tossed about inside the pupil transportation vehicle when involved in an accident or sudden stop shall be secured.
11. Supplemental Information. A copy of this plan shall be placed in each pupil transportation vehicle, kept at each school building, and made available upon request. Supplemental information with respect to operational and procedural guidelines used to administer this plan can be found in the District’s safety and security plan adopted pursuant to 92 NAC10 and in the Nebraska Department of Education Pupil Transportation Guide.
12. Vehicle drivers of small vehicles on activity trips. The District will provide drivers of small vehicles with instruction on and guidance for emergency evacuation procedures, first aid, and emergency equipment. Drivers of small vehicles are generally expected to follow this Plan in the event of an emergency evacuation. The District’s director of transportation may provide additional guidance for drivers of small vehicles to increase student safety.
13. Student Instruction. At least twice during each school year, each pupil who is transported in a school vehicle shall be instructed in safe riding practices and participate in emergency evacuation drills.
14. Driver Capacity. To confirm a driver has the ability to conduct daily tasks and emergency evacuations, drivers must: (a) pass a prescribed physical examination administered by a Certified Medical Examiner at least every two years and provide the employer with a copy of the medical certificate; (b) pass a transportation screening every year; (c) participate in required in-service training which includes emergency evacuation training; and (d) if required, to have a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) to operate the vehicle, participate in the drug and alcohol testing program as required by federal law. Should a driver have a medical concern throughout the year, the Superintendent or Superintendent’s designee will work with the driver to confirm a drivers’ ability to conduct the daily tasks and emergency evacuations prior to transporting students.
Legal Reference:
Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 79-318, 79-602, 79-607 and 79-608
Title 92, Nebraska Administrative Code, Chapters 91 and 92